Of Particular Significance

The blog’s been quiet recently, thanks to a series of unfortunate events, not the least of which were my first (known) Covid-19 infection and an ongoing struggle with a bureaucracy within the government of Massachusetts. But meanwhile there is some good news: it seems I will someday have a book published. More on that another time.

Meanwhile I have also been doing some science. Recent efforts included presenting at a workshop on the potential capabilities of the Future Circular Collider [FCC], a possible successor to the Large Hadron Collider [LHC]. Honestly, my own feeling is that the FCC is an unfortunate distraction from important LHC activities. For my part I remain focused on the latter, and on trying to remind everyone just how much remains to do with the LHC data sets from previous years.

Visiting the LPC at Fermilab

Toward that end, I’ll be at the Fermilab National Accelerator this week, near Chicago. I’ll be visiting their LHC Physics Center [LPC], which is the major US hub for the CMS experiment at the LHC. (CMS is one of the LHC’s two general purpose experiments, the other being ATLAS; these are the experiments that discovered the Higgs particle.)

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON October 17, 2022

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about a claim that charm quarks are found in protons. While the evidence for this claim of “intrinsic charm” (a name that goes back decades) is by no means entirely convincing yet, it might in fact be true… sort of. But the whole idea sounds very confusing. A charm quark has a larger mass than a proton: about 1.2 GeV/c2 vs. 0.938 GeV/c2. On the face of it, suggesting there are charm quarks in protons sounds as crazy as suggesting that a football could have a lead brick inside it without you noticing any difference.

What’s really going on? It’s a long story, and subtle even for experts, so it’s not surprising that most articles about it for lay readers haven’t been entirely clear. At some point I’ll write a comprehensive explanation, but that will require a longer post (or series of posts), and I don’t want to launch into that until my conceptual understanding of important details is complete.

Feynman diagram suggesting a photon is sometimes an electron-positron pair.

But in the meantime, here’s a related question: how can a particle with zero mass (zero rest mass, to be precise) spend part of its time as a combination of objects that have positive mass? For instance, a photon [a particle of light, including both visible and invisible forms of light] has zero rest mass. [Note, however, that it has non-zero gravitational mass]. Meanwhile electrons and positrons [the anti-particles of electrons] both have positive rest mass. So what do people mean when they say “A photon can be an electron-positron pair part of the time”? This statement comes with a fancy “Feynman diagram”, in which the photon is shown as the wavy line, time is running left to right, and the loop represents an electron and a positron created from the photon.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON September 9, 2022

A few days after Russia invaded Ukraine (I will not call it a “war,” as that might offend Czar Vlad and his friends) for the nth time, my thoughts turned to the consequences for the CERN laboratory and for upcoming research at the Large Hadron Collider [LHC].   It was clear that Putin would blackmail Europe using his oil and gas supplies, leading to a spike in energy prices and a corresponding spike in CERN’s budget.

Of course I didn’t foresee the heat waves and drought that have swept Europe, or the maintenance problems at France’s nuclear plants, which have made the energy crisis that much worse.  (Even though global climate change is now quite obvious, and the trends are partially predictable, one can’t predict what will happen in any given year.)  I am not familiar with the budgetary consequences of these higher energy prices for CERN operations, but they cannot be good.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON September 6, 2022

Hello and welcome! On this site devoted to the excitement and meaning of science, especially of particle physics and astronomy, you’ll find

  • a blog, mainly about science (posts begin below)
  • scientific reference articles (see menu above)
  • information supplementary to my popular book, due out March 5th
  • various other bits of science writing, videos, etc.

To learn about this site, click here; to learn about me, click here.

Regarding the book, “Waves in an Impossible Sea,” here’s what some of my colleagues are saying about it. You can pre-order it at independent bookstores (such as Harvard Book Store, Powell’s, and many others), or at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON September 5, 2022

A post for general readers:

Einstein’s relativity. Everybody’s heard of it, many have read about it, a few have learned some of it.  Journalists love to write about it.  It’s part of our culture; it’s always in the air, and has been for over a century.

Most of what’s in the air, though, is in the form of sound bites, partly true but often misleading.  Since Einstein’s view of relativity (even more than Galileo’s earlier one) is inherently confusing, the sound bites turn a maze into a muddled morass.

For example, take the famous quip: “Nothing can go faster than the speed of light.”  (The speed of light is denoted “c“, and is better described as the “cosmic speed limit”.) This quip is true, and it is false, because the word “nothing” is ambiguous, and so is the phrase “go faster”. 

What essential truth lies behind this sound bite?

Faster Than Light? An Example.

Let’s first see how it can lead us astray.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON September 1, 2022

For general readers:

A week or so ago, I wrote about my skepticism concerning the claim of a “detection” of the photon ring that’s widely expected to lie hidden within the image of a black hole. A nice article in Science News appeared today outlining the current controversy, with some quotes from scientists with differing views (including a dissenter from the EHT itself). It’s a good read: to the point, well-written, and with high standards.

Figure 1: Image of the accretion disk surrounding M87’s black hole [Credit : EHT collaboration]

Background: The image in Figure 1, created by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in 2019, shows the “accretion disk” of material circling and eventually falling into the giant black hole at the center of the galaxy M87. But the image is too blurry to easily reveal the photon ring, whose appearance in a perfect telescope might look like that in Figure 2, which shows a simulation of the region around a black hole.

Unlike the accretion disk, the photon ring would be an effect purely of curved space-time around the black hole, which is expected to lens and focus light from the accretion disk into a narrow circlet. As such, the ring would be a smoking-gun signature of Einstein’s gravity at work. That’s why any claim of detection, using fancy image processing or any other method, merits both attention and critique.

Figure 2: A simulation of what a perfect telescope image might reveal, with a narrow bright ring appearing withing a swirling inhomogeneous disk. [Credit A. Chael]
Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON August 31, 2022


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