Of Particular Significance

Colloquia Here and There

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 10/19/2012

This Wednesday I was visiting the University of Massachusetts, in the currently colorful town of Amherst, where I gave a colloquium (an hour-long talk aimed at a physics department’s undergraduate majors, graduate students and faculty who are not themselves experts in particle physics) entitled The Quest for the Higgs Boson.  It’s similar to the one I gave two weeks ago at the University of Toronto, which is available on-line now. There’s audio and there are slides, but no video, so I’m afraid you’ll have to figure out on your own how the slides and audio fit together; but I think it should be fairly obvious.

If, however, you’re not a physicist or physics student, but you have been following particle physics a little bit, perhaps by reading this blog or Scientific American articles or books for laypeople by, say, Brian Greene or Lisa Randall, then you might instead want to try listening to this lecture I gave recently, which is also in the form of an audio feed plus slides.  It makes far fewer assumptions about what audience members are familiar with.  And of course there’s always my [in]famous video clips from my March 2011 public lecture on the Large Hadron Collider; a bit out of date since they were made before the new Higgs-like particle was found, but still basically covering what you need to know.

Please note these presentations are under copyright.

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One Response

  1. Just to say I thought your Toronto talk was the best yet. I particularly liked the parts about flavour and hierarchy problems.

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