Of Particular Significance

SEARCHing for New Particles on Long Island

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 08/20/2013

Greetings from Stony Brook’s Simon’s Center, and the SEARCH 2013 workshop. (I reported on the SEARCH 2012 workshop here, here, here and here.) Over the next three days, a small group (about 50) of theoretical particle physicists and experimentalists from ATLAS and CMS (two of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider [LHC]) will be discussing the latest results from the LHC, and brainstorming about what else should be done with the existing LHC data and with future data.

The workshop was organized by three theorists, Raman Sundrum, professor at Maryland (who has opened the day with a characteristically brilliant and inspirational talk about the status of the field and the purpose of the workshop), Patrick Meade, professor at Stony Brook, and Michele Papucci, soon-to-be professor at Michigan.

Of course we’ll be discussing the newly discovered Higgs particle — that discussion will occupy most of today — but we’ll be also looking at many other types of particles, forces and other phenomena that nature might be hiding from us, and how we would be able to uncover them if they exist. There’ve been many dozens of searches done at both ATLAS and CMS, but the experimentalists certainly haven’t had time to try everything plausible — and theorists haven’t yet thought of everything they might try. Workshops like this are aimed at making sure no stones are left unturned in the existing huge pile of data from 2011-2012, and also that we’re fully prepared to deal with the new data, from higher-energy proton-proton collisions, that will start pouring in starting in 2015.

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5 Responses

  1. Mr. Abraham Sternlieb had illuminated that, the standard model did well without Higgs being actually discovered – means, a beautiful model of wax horse (SM) – but without life (quantum action). The life has been given by Higgs boson.
    Instead of giving life, through new physics (if any), the wax horse has been decorated by Horse tacks ?

    The Planck’s constant (quantum of action in quantum mechanics) was first described as the proportionality constant between the energy (E) of a photon and the frequency (ν) of its associated electromagnetic wave.
    The speed of light “c” is also the proportionality constant between energy (E) and mass (m) in E = mc^2 – in relativistic theory.
    By adding dimensionless quantity 2π, h-bar (reduced Planck constant) denotes the quantum of angular momentum in quantum mechanics. So in relativity, “c^2” denotes the angular momentum of macro objects.

    So the energy and mass are the same – but in quantum mechanics, the axiomatic dimensionless quantity is an artifice – but in local symmetry of spacetime in general relativity, which generate gravitational force (negative energy), the non quantum artifice could be replaced by effable and non axiomatic linguistic manifestation – or ineffable dimensionless quantity ?

    The quantum action here is the artifice in spacetime (a priori), which generate tensor in local symmetry of Time dilation – from the nature of spacetime itself ??

  2. Apparently SM did well without Higgs being actually discovered
    A question could be asked what specifically would be the additional new physics (if any) resulting from actually being able to experiment with Higgs particles

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