Of Particular Significance

Happy 2023 everyone!  You’ve noticed, no doubt, that the blog has been quiet recently.  That’s because I’ve got a book contract, with a deadline of March 31, 2023.  [The book itself won’t be published til spring 2024.]  I’ll tell you more about this in future posts. But over the next couple of months I’ll be a bit slow to answer questions and even slower to write content.  Fortunately, much of the content on this website is still current — the universe seems to be much the same in 2023 as it was in 2011 when the site was born. So poke around; I’m sure you’ll find something that interests you!

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON January 11, 2023

Once we clear away the hype (see the previous posts 1, 2, 3, 4), and realize that no one is doing anything as potentially dangerous as making real wormholes (ones you could actually fall into) in a lab, or studying how to send dogs across the galaxy, we are left with a question. Why bother to do wormhole research at all?

The answer is that it has nothing to do with actually making wormholes… at least, not in the sense of science fiction portals that you and I could use to travel from here to some faraway place across the universe.  It has to do with potentially gaining new insight into the quantum physics of gravity, space and time.

How Do We Study Black Holes, and Why?

Why do scientists do research on black holes?  There are at least two very different reasons.

  1. Large black holes can be observed in nature.  These black holes, which astronomers and gravitational wave experimenters study, are well-described by non-quantum physics — “classical” physics, where the future is (in principle) truly predictable from the past.  
  2. Small black holes are a window into quantum gravity — the unknown quantum physics of spacetime, where space itself is governed by the uncertainty principle, meaning that the very shape of spacetime can’t be precisely specified.  This is relevant for black holes far too small for us to discover using astronomy, yet far too difficult for us to produce experimentally. They are important because they pose conceptual problems and puzzles for quantum gravity. Theoretical physicists think about black holes, and study their math, in hopes of uncovering quantum gravity’s secrets.

To gain more insight into their workings, scientists also simulate black holes on computers, and study analogues to black holes in laboratories.

Why Wormholes?

In contrast to black holes, there may be no wormholes worthy of the name anywhere in our universe. Though recent research clearly shows that there’s no principle that forbids wormholes from existing, it also shows it’s unlikely that large wormholes can be produced or can endure in our universe. While black holes are a generic outcome of the collapse of a huge star, wormholes are relatively delicate, and difficult to create and maintain.

But wormholes may be even more interesting than black holes for the problems of quantum gravity.  This was only appreciated, slowly at first, over the past 10 years. 

It’s hard to define the quantum state of a black hole. [In quantum physics, objects don’t just have locations and motions; roughly speaking, they have “states”, in which they have a combination of many locations and motions all at once.] The basic obstacle is entropy, a measure of missing information. The air in your room has entropy, because although you may know its temperature and pressure, you do not know where every atom of air is; that’s missing information. It turns out that a black hole has entropy too, which means that our usual description of a black hole is intrinsically missing some crucial information. That prevents us from knowing precisely what its state is.

But surprisingly, in some circumstances the quantum state of a wormhole can be sharply defined — in which case its entropy is zero.  (Such a wormhole is not missing any information. But if you take either half of this wormhole and ignore the other half, you find a black hole. That black hole has entropy precisely because you’re ignoring all the information included in the other half of the wormhole!) To obtain and understand such a wormhole involves giving it two apparently different but actually interchangeable descriptions, one in terms of space-time and gravity, where the wormhole’s geometric shape is clear, and one in terms of what one might call a gravity-independent auxiliary quantum system, in which its quantum state is precisely defined.

The Power of Duality: A Rosetta Stone for Quantum Gravity

One physical object, two quantum descriptions — one with gravity, one without; the first with more space dimensions than the latter.  It’s like being able to read the same text in two completely different languages.  It’s an example of what physicists often call “a duality.” (I’ve gone into more detail about this in recent posts here and here.)

This is the message of what goes by the mantra of “ER=EPR”, referring to two famous and apparently unrelated papers from 1935 by Einstein and Rosen, with the second having Podolsky as a co-author.  ER=EPR asserts that two apparently different things,

  • a tangible bridge across curved, extra-dimensional space between two regions, and
  • a less tangible bridge, established with quantum entanglement between objects in the same two regions, without any use of gravity,

are literally the same thing.

An conceptual illustration of the proposal that two perfectly entangled quantum systems (EPR) are equivalent to a wormhole connecting the locations of those systems (ER), and represent two languages for describing exactly the same thing. The wormhole is empty; the slabs shown merely indicate how distances are shrinking as one proceeds to the wormhole’s midpoint. Not shown is that the wormhole changes shape over time; for the situation in this picture, this wormhole is “non-traversable”, because there’s insufficient time to cross from one side of the bridge to the other before it shrinks down to nothing.

Discovering that spacetime is related to quantum entanglement, and that ER and EPR involve the same issues, is somewhat like discovering that two poorly understood and partially readable texts in completely different languages are actually two translations of exactly the same document.  It’s a Rosetta stone.  Parts of the document can easily be read in one language, other parts in the second language; and putting them together, we find we can read more and more.

Similarly, the math of a wormhole (ER) looks completely different from the math of two quantum-entangled non-gravitational systems (EPR).  But in particular cases, Juan Maldacena and Lenny Susskind argued, they are two languages describing the same object.  We can combine these two partial views of this single object to learn more and more about it. 

Moreover, because we’re using math, not text, we can go a step further.  Even in regimes where we cannot “read the document” in either language, we can use computers to explore.  Scientists can try to simulate the math of the entangled auxiliary quantum systems on a computer, ideally a quantum computer so that it keeps track of all quantum effects, to learn more about the wormhole’s behavior in regimes where we have no idea how it works — in regions where the quantum uncertainty principle affects space and time.

Even more remarkable would be to actually make — not merely simulate — this entangled pair of auxiliary quantum systems. Then we would be closer to making a wormhole, with laws of nature different from ours and with its own gravity, that connects on to our world. But that’s a long ways off, and not the story for the present.

From ER=EPR to Traversable Wormholes

A further breakthrough, beyond the original ER=EPR idea, came with the work of Gao, Jafferis and Wall (see also here and here) in which it was demonstrated for the first time that “traversable wormholes” — ones that can truly serve as bridges across which objects can be transported — do make physical sense.  Astonishingly, they are related by duality to an important and exciting research area in quantum information, called “quantum teleportation.”  That’s the process by which, using two entangled quantum systems, quantum information can be brought to one of the systems, destroyed in that system, and recreated in that second system some distance away. Again, don’t expect anyone to be teleporting your dog, but simple information and ultra-microscopic objects might be transportable. 

Be warned though; the teleportation only works if additional non-quantum information is traded between the two systems. In the wormhole language, that means you can only get through the wormhole if information is also passed outside the wormhole from the departure region to the arrival region.  This makes it impossible to go someplace that you haven’t already been sending messages to, and to use any such wormhole as a shortcut — i.e., to get to your destination faster than could a near-light-speed spacecraft traveling outside the wormhole. Not only do portals to ultra-distant places remain science fiction, they now seem even more likely to stay that way.

Still, with these caveats, there’s still something amazing here: we can now imagine using the Rosetta stone of duality to simulate a traversable wormhole, and learn how it works in quantum gravity. That would be fantastic!

The Dream of Simulating Quantum Gravity

This is a dream, yet to be fulfilled. Computers are nowhere near being able to handle the questions we’d like to answer about the gravity we live with in our “four-dimensional space-time” (our familiar three space dimensions, plus one more for time). But by simplifying the problem in several steps (see the last figure of this post), we can at least hope to answer some early questions in a much simpler sort of wormhole in a simpler sort of gravity.    This is what I’d prefer to call an artificially-simulated cartoon wormhole — rather than a “baby” wormhole, because unlike a baby, it isn’t a small version of an adult, nor has it any hope of growing into one.  It’s more like a stick figure.  It’s in two-dimensional space-time — one space and one time.  That’s a big simplification — there’s nothing like normal gravity there!  [Worse, we don’t have an exact duality in that case; the auxiliary quantum system we need isn’t really the same “text” as the wormhole. These are two systems, not one, with a limited but useful overlap.]

But cartoons aren’t to be mocked.  Don’t underestimate them; cartoons are a powerful tool for educators everywhere, and subversive political cartoons have helped take down governments. For decades, famous physicists — Schwinger, ‘t Hooft, Gross and Neveu, Kogut and Susskind, and many more — have studied cartoon versions of real physics, especially ones in which our four space-time dimensions are replaced with just two. They’ve often learned interesting lessons from doing so, sometimes even profound ones.

[Note: Stick figure physics also can be a very good description of real stick-figure systems, for example a one-dimensional chain of atoms inside a material.] 

I hasten to caution you that this technique does not always work.  Not all of the lessons learned from stick-figure physics turn out to apply to the corresponding real-world problem. But this method has had enough success that we should take cartoon studies seriously.

This is why exploration of one-dimensional wormholes, and of some sort of auxiliary quantum problem to which they might be approximately related, may be worthwhile.  And this is why it’s important to learn to simulate these auxiliary quantum systems on quantum computers, as was done in the paper that generated all the hype, based on proposals made in this paper and this one.  Even if we can’t hope soon to understand how three-dimensional quantum space emerges from quantum entanglement, we can perhaps hope to learn more about one-dimensional quantum space, using quantum computer simulation. Maybe what we learn there would already teach us a deep and universal truth about quantum gravity, or at least suggest new ways to think about its subtleties.

The experiment done in the recent paper is a baby step in this direction.  Others have attempted something along similar lines, but this is the first experiment that seems to have focused on the truly wormhole-like regime, and found some evidence for what was expected already of wormholes (from direct calculation and from classical computers…I’ll write about those details in a future post.) That seems like a real step forward. But let’s keep things in perspective. No new knowledge was created by this experiment; its achievements were technical and technological.  It’s not a conceptual breakthrough.  (I’m not alone in this view; Lenny Susskind, Dan Harlow and Scott Aaronson all expressed the same opinion in the New York Times and elsewhere.)

But nevertheless, this experiment represents a little arrow that points to a possible big future… not a future of a new Elon Musk, building wormholes for fun and profit, but one of a future Einstein, comprehending the quantum nature of spacetime itself.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON December 18, 2022

By now the word is widely out that Tuesday’s fusion announcement was less of a news flash (as I initially suggested) and more of a overheated news flicker. The politician-scientists who made the announcement that they’d put 2 Megajoules of energy into a pellet of nuclear kindling, and gotten 3 Megajoules out from nuclear fusion, neglected to mention that it took them about 300 Megajoules — about 100 times as much energy from the electrical grid — to run the experiment in the first place. In other words, they said

  • -2 + 3 = +1 !!! Breakthrough!!!!!!!!!

whereas anyone who knew the details would have said

  • -300 – 2 + 3 = -299 ? Cool bro, but…

In other words, it was a good day for fusion, but not nearly good enough.

To be fair to everyone, the scientists involved have made tremendous progress in the last few years; they weren’t even close to getting this much energy out until 2021. They’re 10 times ahead of where they were in 2019 and over 100 times ahead of where they were in 2010. If they can continue this progress and figure out how to get another 100 times as much fusion energy out without requiring vastly more electricity, then this all might start to be somewhat interesting.

But even then, it seems it’s going to be very tough to get anything resembling a power plant out of this fusion strategy. Experts seem to think the engineering challenges are immense. (Have any readers heard someone say otherwise?) Perhaps Tokomaks are still the way to go.

I’m annoyed, as I’m sure many of you are. I was myself too trusting, assuming that the politician-scientists who made the claims would be smart enough not to over-hype something that would get so much scrutiny. It’s the 21st century; you can’t come out and say something so undeservedly dramatic without the backlash being loud and swift. Instead they played the political spin game as though it was still the 1970s. I think they were hoping to convince Congress to keep their funding going (and because of an application of their work to nuclear weapons, they may succeed.) But when it comes to nuclear fusion as a solution to our energy/climate crisis — did they really think people wouldn’t quickly figure out they’d been duped? Seriously?

To quote one of the comments on my last post, from Blackstone, “It seems to me that this whole civilization desperately needs a reality check.” I completely agree. We’re so driven now by hype and click-bait that it’s almost impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff. Maybe at some point the people driving this international daily drama show will realize they’re doing serious harm. Clearly we’re not there yet.

But that’s what this blog is for, as are some others in a similar vein. Hopefully I won’t make too many mistakes like the one I made Tuesday, and when I make them, I’ll always fix them. Thank you to the many commenters who raised valid concerns; I know you’ll always keep me honest if I take a false step.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON December 15, 2022

The fusing of small atomic nuclei into larger ones, with the associated release of particles carrying a lot of motion-energy, is the mechanism that powers the Sun’s furnace, and that of other stars. This was first suspected in the 1920’s, and confirmed in the 1930s.

Nuclear fission (the breaking of larger atomic nuclei into smaller pieces) was discovered in the 1930s, and used to generate energy in 1942. Work on fission in settings both uncontrolled (i.e. bombs) and controlled (ie. power plants) proceeded rapidly; bombs unfortunately were quickly designed and built during World War II, while useful power plants were already operating by 1951. Meanwhile work on fusion also proceeded rapidly; in the uncontrolled setting, the first bomb using fusion (triggered by a fission bomb!) was already made in 1951, and in a flash of a decade, huge numbers of hydrogen bombs filled the arsenals of superpowers large and small. But controlled fusion for power plants… Ah.

Had it been as easy to control fusion as it was to control fission, we’d have fusion plants everywhere; fossil fuels would be consigned only to certain forms of transportation, and the climate crisis would be far less serious than it is right now. But unfortunately, it has been 70 years of mostly bad news — tragic news, really, for the planet.

But finally we have a little glimmer of hope. On December 5th, somebody finally managed, without using a bomb, to get more fusion-generated energy out of an object than the energy they had to put into it.

[UPDATE: Not really. Though this was a success and a milestone, it wasn’t nearly as good as advertised. Yes, more energy came out of the fusing material than was put into the fusing material. But it took far more energy to make the necessary laser light in the first place — 300 megajoules of energy off the electricity grid, compared to a gain from the fusing material of about 1 megajoule. So overall it was still a big net loss, even though locally, at the fusing material, it was a net gain. See this link, in particular the third figure, which shows that the largest energy cost was electricity from the grid to run the lasers. In short, well, it’s still a good day for fusion, but we are even further from power plants than we were led to believe today.]

Poster Child for Particle Physics

In the Sun and similar stars, fusion proceeds through several processes in which protons (the nuclei of the simplest form of hydrogen) are converted to neutrons and combine with other protons to form mainly helium nuclei (two protons and two neutrons). Other important nuclei are deuterium D (a version of hydrogen with a proton and neutron stuck together), tritium T (another version with a proton plus two neutrons — which is unstable, typically lasting about 12 years), and Helium-3 (two protons plus one neutron.)

Fusion is a fascinating process, because all four of the famous forces of nature are needed. [The fifth, the Higgs force, plays no role, though as is so often the case, the Higgs field is secretly crucial.] In a sense, it’s a poster child for our understanding of how the cosmos works. Consider sunshine:

  1. We need gravity to hold the Sun together, and to crush its center to the point that its temperature reaches well over ten million degrees.
  2. We need electromagnetism to produce the light that carries energy to the Sun’s surface and sunshine to Earth.
  3. We need the strong nuclear force to make protons and neutrons, and to combine them into other simple nuclei such as deuterium, tritium and helium.
  4. We need the weak nuclear force to convert the abundant protons into neutrons (along with a positron [i.e. an anti-electron] and a neutrino.)

How can we be sure this really happens inside the Sun? There are quite a few ways, but perhaps the most direct is that we observe the neutrinos, which (unlike everything else that’s made in the process) escape from the Sun’s core in vast numbers. Though very difficult to detect on Earth, they are occasionally observed. By now, studies of these neutrinos, as here by the Borexino experiment, are definitive. Everything checks out.

In the recent experiment on Earth, gravity’s role is a little more indirect — obviously we wouldn’t have a planet on which to live and laboratories in which to do experiments without it. But it’s electromagnetism which does the holding and crushing of the material. The role of the strong and weak nuclear forces is similar, though instead of starting with mostly protons, the method that made fusion this week uses the weak nuclear force long before the experiment to make the neutrons needed in deuterium and tritium. The actual moment of fusion involves the strong nuclear force, in which

  • D + T –> He + n

i.e. one deuterium nucleus plus one tritium nucleus (a total of two protons and three neutrons) are recombined to make one helium nucleus and one neutron, which come out with more motion-energy than the initial D and T nuclei start with.

The Promise of Endless Cheap Safe[r] Power?

The breakthrough this week? Finally, after decades of promises and disappointments, workers at a US lab, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California, working at the National Ignition Facility, have gotten significantly more energy out of fusion than they put in. How this works is described by the lab here. The steps are: make a pellet stocked with D and T; fire up a set of lasers and amplify them to enormous power; aim them into a chamber containing the pellet, heating the chamber to millions of degrees and causing it to emit X-rays (high-energy photons); the blast of X-rays blows off the outer layer of the pellet, which [action-reaction!] causes the inner core of the pellet to greatly compress; in the high temperature and density of the pellet’s core, fusion spontaneously begins and heats the rest of the pellet, causing even more fusion.

Not as easy as it sounds. For a long time they’ve been getting a dud, or just a little fusion. But finally, the energy from fusion has exceeded the energy of the initial lasers by a substantial amount — 50%.

This one momentary success is far from a power plant. But you can’t make a power plant without first making power. So December 5th, eighty years and three days after fission’s first good day, was a good day for fusion on Earth, maybe the first one ever.

If this strategy for making fusion will ever lead to a power plant, this process will have to repeated over and over very rapidly, with the high-energy particles that are created along the way being directed somewhere where they can heat water and turn a steam turbine, from which electric current can be created as it is in many power plants. Leaving aside the major technical challenges, one should understand that this does not come without radioactive pollution; the walls of the container vessel in which the nuclear reactions take place, and other materials inside, will become radioactive over time, and will have to be disposed of with care, as with any radioactive waste. But it’s still vastly safer than a fission power plant, such as are widespread today. Why?

First, the waste from a fission plant is suitable for making nuclear weapons; it has to be not only buried safely but also guarded. Waste from a fusion plant, though still radioactive, is not useful for that purpose.

Second, if a fission plant malfunctions, its nuclear chain-reaction can start running away, getting hotter and hotter until the fuel melts, breaks through the vessel that contains it, and contaminates ground, air and water. By contrast, if a fusion plant malfunctions, its nuclear reactions just… stop.

And third, mining for uranium is bad for the environment (and uranium itself can be turned into a fuel for nuclear weapons.) Mining for hydrogen involves taking some water and passing electric current through it. Admittedly it’s a bit more complicated than that to get the deuterium and especially the tritium you need — the tritium be obtained from lithium, which does require mining — but still, less digging giant holes into mountains and contaminating groundwater with heavy metals.

Meanwhile, both forms of nuclear power have the advantage that they don’t dump loads of carbon into the atmosphere, and avoid the kind of oil spills we saw this week in Kansas.

So even though we are a long way from having nuclear fusion as a power source, and even though there will be some nuclear waste to deal with, there are good reasons to note this day. Someday we might look back on it as the beginning of a transformed economy, a cleaner atmosphere, and a saved planet.

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POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON December 13, 2022

A wormhole! What an amazing concept — a secret tunnel that connects two different regions of space! Could real ones exist? Could we — or our dogs — travel through them, and visit other galaxies billions of light years away, and come back to tell everyone all about it?

I bring up dogs because of a comment, quoted in the Guardian and elsewhere, by my friend and colleague, experimentalist Maria Spiropulu. Spiropulu is a senior author on the wormhole-related paper that has gotten so much attention in the past week, and she was explaining what it was all about.

  • “People come to me and they ask me, ‘Can you put your dog in the wormhole?’ So, no,” Spiropulu told reporters during a video briefing. “… That’s a huge leap.”

For this, I can’t resist teasing Spiropulu a little. She’s done many years of important work at the Large Hadron Collider and previously at the Tevatron, before taking on quantum computing and the simulation of wormholes. But, oh my! The idea that this kind of research could ever lead to a wormhole that a dog could traverse… that’s more than a huge leap of imagination. It’s a huge leap straight out of reality!

I’ve been trying to train our dog, Phoebe, to fetch a ball through a wormhole. She seems eager but nervous.

What’s the problem?

Decades ago there was a famous comedian by the name of Henny Youngman. He told the following joke — which, being no comedian myself, I will paraphrase.

  • I know a guy who wanted to set a mousetrap but had no cheese in his fridge. So he cut a picture of a piece of cheese from a magazine, and used that instead. Just before bed, he heard the trap snap shut, so he went to look. In the trap was a picture of a mouse.

Well, with that in mind, consider this:

  • Imaginary cheese can’t catch a real mouse, and an imaginary wormhole can’t transport a real dog!
Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON December 9, 2022

A break from all these wormholes and strings; let’s take a moment to look at the sky. In the US, sadly, most of the country will be under cloud, but for those who aren’t, you have a spectacle tonight, at around 10-11pm Eastern Time in the US, roughly 5-6 am UT in Northern Europe.

It’s not terribly unusual for the Moon to pass in front of a planet and block it, from the point of view of some of us on Earth. This time it is Mars’ turn. You’ll be able to see the Moon eclipsing Mars (a “lunar occultation” of Mars), weather permitting, in the region shown below. This map is taken from in-the-sky.org, where you can enter your location and find out exactly when you’ll see Mars disappear behind the Moon and then reappear.

Visibility of tonight’s occultation of Mars by the Moon. See in-the-sky.org for more details.

This should be fun even with the naked eye — Mars won’t disappear in an instant but will do so gradually — but it will be better with binoculars, and great in a small telescope. It will give you a chance to see that yes, the Moon is in slow, steady motion in the sky relative to the planets, which (being further) seem to move more slowly. Lunar and solar eclipses provide a similar opportunity to observe this motion, but I think occultations provide the clearest sense of it.

The Full Moon can be seen from south to north across the Earth. Why isn’t the occultation visible everywhere? It is because the Moon is smaller than the Earth, as I explained here as part of my series on “Do It Yourself Astronomy”. In a sense, the light of Mars effectively (though not literally) casts the Moon’s shadow onto the Earth, and the shadow’s width — the width of the region over which the occultation is visible — would be the same as the diameter of the Moon, were the occultation visible close to the Earth’s equator. (As I pointed out, you can use this fact to measure the Moon’s size without ever leaving the Earth.) Because tonight’s occultation is visible closer to the poles, the region of visibility on the Earth’s surface is distorted by the Earth’s curvature, making it larger than the Moon by about 50% — about 3000 miles (5000 km) or so. (That’s yet more evidence that the Earth’s not flat, in case you needed some.)

Finally, there’s something quite remarkable about this occultation. It occurs close to two special moments:

  1. almost at full Moon (within a few hours);
  2. almost at “Mars opposition” (within a few hours) — when Mars is (nearly) closest, brightest and highest in the midnight sky, as brilliant as it gets over its cycle.

Since (1) happens once a month, and (2) happens once every two years, and occultations don’t occur all the time, this seems like quite a coincidence!

Only… it’s not as big a coincidence as it looks. A puzzler for you: why isn’t it a coincidence that (1) and (2) happen at the same time? That is, if there’s an lunar occultation of Mars at full Moon, why must Mars be nearly at opposition? [Hint: it’s just geometry.]

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON December 7, 2022


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