Of Particular Significance

A Busy August

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 08/16/2013

The rate of my blog posts has fallen off again, but for good reason… change is in the air.  I decided this past year to leave Rutgers University, after a six-year stint as a professor at their “New” High Energy Theory Center, or NHETC.  [No one ever deletes “new” from a name, cf. Pont Neuf. Corollary: avoid putting “new” in an institution’s title.]  Starting in September, I’ll be a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. For scale, the distance from Rutgers to Harvard is about the distance from London to Paris.

Needless to say, there are some logistical issues involved in this change! So this is a busy August. In fact this is my third shortened summer in a row. (The previous one was curtailed by a certain dramatic discovery…) So that has reduced my blogging time considerably.

Next week is equally busy — but it will generate some blog posts instead of completely inhibiting them. I’ll be attending and speaking at a workshop on Large Hadron Collider physics.  You can expect relevant blog posts in the next few days.

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21 Responses

  1. Best wishes in your new …”new” academic home…or roost! Rutgers:Harvard as London:Paris?????? Curious .

      1. yeah, it’s an old joke in Paris to direct tourists to the Pont Neuf by telling them that it’s just after the “Pont Huit” 😉

  2. Glad your ability isn’t being wasted. Here’s hoping you get another tenure-track position in the near future!

    I know this isn’t related to anything, but I just stumbled across this snippet from your Rutgers website, and it stunned me:

    “The Standard Model has a basic mathematical inconsistency hidden in it (as well as a number of seemingly arbitrary features) and so at some point it must show a disagreement with experiment. We are confident that it will happen in the next decade — because by 2015, experiments will be done for which the theory predicts nonsense.”

    Experiments in 2015 for which the SM predicts nonsense?! I didn’t realize BSM behavior was that accessible anywhere! What area are you referring to here, if you don’t mind?

    1. That’s interesting. I wonder if it’s anything to do with inertia being the standing-wave flip side of momentum. The missing symmetry wherein the Higgs field is actually a “relativistic aether” as flagged by John Ellis and Frank Close. One that’s responsible for photon momentum as well as electron mass by virtue of E=mc². Meaning it’s responsible for 100% of the mass of matter rather than 1%. Doesn’t sound like nonsense to me.

      Matt I hope everything goes great, please don’t stop explaining things to your grandmother.

  3. Matt,

    congrats on your academic move to Harvard!

    Rutgers has a reputation as a world class producer of theorists such as yourself, Tom Banks, Lubos Motl amongs others, so it must have been traumatic to have left the place a few months back.

    Will you be keeping your research private, posting it here, or setting up another blog in the style of Terence Tao’s:


    In this day and age, I find it curious that academics don’t publicize their research as they go along more.

  4. Congratulations to both you and Harvard University. Lead the way to change the world. I know you will.

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