Of Particular Significance

New Post on the Higgs Hints

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 07/31/2011

Just finished my new article on the hints of a Higgs particle.  I hope you find it useful! I have tried to explain, in largely non-technical terms,

  • how experimentalists at the Large Hadron Collider are looking for the Higgs, using various methods;
  • what makes methods of this type easy or difficult, with analogies;
  • that the current hints of a Higgs particle rely on the more difficult techniques, making it unclear whether we should trust them;
  • that more data over the coming year will bring the simpler techniques into their own, eliminating this problem over time.

I welcome your comments, questions and advice as to how to make this article more transparent to the non-technical reader!

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Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

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ON 07/25/2024

[Update: unfortunately, the link below was taken down before the tour, with no explanation. The tour was instead recorded at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67mF5Yx7ZG0.] Would anyone like a tour

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