Of Particular Significance

Article on Atomic Nuclei

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 02/25/2013

Posts have been notably absent, due mainly to travel with very limited internet; apologies for the related lack of replies to comments, which I hope to correct later this week.

Meanwhile I’ve been working on a couple of articles related to the nuclei of atoms, part of my Structure of Matter series, which serves to introduce non-experts to the basics of particle physics.  The first of these articles is done.  In it I describe why it was so easy (relatively speaking) to figure out that nuclei are made from certain numbers of protons and neutrons, and how it was understood that nuclei are very small compared to atoms.   Comments welcome as always!

A related article, which should appear later this week, will clarify why nuclei are so tiny relative to atoms, and describe the force of nature that keeps them intact.

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5 Responses

  1. I really enjoyed the first article! Hope the second is about to come out. Great site! Thanks.

  2. Dear Sir,
    I am a Msc student of Analytical Chemistry greatly interested in fundermental nature of forces because I beleive unravelling of this lead to solve all of the present problems. But I think mistaken refusal of ether (energy matrix spread through space) by Enstein Mosley experiment lead to many misunderstanding of present day Physics. If energy matrix (ether) bide by graviy as it convey the force(field) you can’t observe its relative movement and diffrence in speed of light. And gravity is not misterious, it is also related to some common features and nature of Elctromagnetic forces because it is said that if sun self destroyed we would lost light and its gravity at the same momement. I thought about these concepts whenever I got time beside working as a teacher and want to share, develop and plan experiments to have the basics of the nature. Hoping a reply. Thank you. Anura Bodiyabadu, email – bodiyabadu@gmail.com

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