Of Particular Significance

Tag: Dbranes

Now finally, we come to the heart of the matter of quantum interference, as seen from the perspective of in 1920’s quantum physics. (We’ll deal with quantum field theory later this year.)

Last time I looked at some cases of two particle states in which the particles’ behavior is independent — uncorrelated. In the jargon, the particles are said to be “unentangled”. In this situation, and only in this situation, the wave function of the two particles can be written as a product of two wave functions, one per particle. As a result, any quantum interference can be ascribed to one particle or the other, and is visible in measurements of either one particle or the other. (More precisely, it is observable in repeated experiments, in which we do the same measurement over and over.)

In this situation, because each particle’s position can be studied independent of the other’s, we can be led to think any interference associated with particle 1 happens near where particle 1 is located, and similarly for interference involving the second particle.

But this line of reasoning only works when the two particles are uncorrelated. Once this isn’t true — once the particles are entangled — it can easily break down. We saw indications of this in an example that appeared at the ends of my last two posts (here and here), which I’m about to review. The question for today is: what happens to interference in such a case?

Correlation: When “Where” Breaks Down

Let me now review the example of my recent posts. The pre-quantum system looks like this

Figure 1: An example of a superposition, in a pre-quantum view, where the two particles are correlated and where interference will occur that involves both particles together.

Notice the particles are correlated; either both particles are moving to the left OR both particles are moving to the right. (The two particles are said to be “entangled”, because the behavior of one depends upon the behavior of the other.) As a result, the wave function cannot be factored (in contrast to most examples in my last post) and we cannot understand the behavior of particle 1 without simultaneously considering the behavior of particle 2. Compare this to Fig. 2, an example from my last post in which the particles are independent; the behavior of particle 2 is the same in both parts of the superposition, independent of what particle 1 is doing.

Figure 2: Unlike Fig. 1, here the two particles are uncorrelated; the behavior of particle 2 is the same whether particle 1 is moving left OR right. As a result, interference can occur for particle 1 separately from any behavior of particle 2, as shown in this post.

Let’s return now to Fig. 1. The wave function for the corresponding quantum system, shown as a graph of its absolute value squared on the space of possibilities, behaves as in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: The absolute-value-squared of the wave function for the system in Fig, 1, showing interference as the peaks cross. Note the interference fringes are diagonal relative to the x1 and x2 axes.

But as shown last time in Fig. 19, at the moment where the interference in Fig. 3 is at its largest, if we measure particle 1 we see no interference effect. More precisely, if we do the experiment many times and measure particle 1 each time, as depicted in Fig. 4, we see no interference pattern.

Figure 4: The result of repeated experiments in which we measure particle 1, at the moment of maximal interference, in the system of Fig. 3. Each new experiment is shown as an orange dot; results of past experiments are shown in blue. No interference effect is seen.

We see something analogous if we measure particle 2.

Yet the interference is plain as day in Fig. 3. It’s obvious when we look at the full two-dimensional space of possibilities, even though it is invisible in Fig. 4 for particle 1 and in the analogous experiment for particle 2. So what measurements, if any, can we make that can reveal it?

The clue comes from the fact that the interference fringes lie at a 45 degree angle, perpendicular neither to the x1 axis nor to the x2 axis but instead to the axis for the variable 1/2(x1 + x2), the average of the positions of particle 1 and 2. It’s that average position that we need to measure if we are to observe the interference.

But doing so requires we that we measure both particles’ positions. We have to measure them both every time we repeat the experiment. Only then can we start making a plot of the average of their positions.

When we do this, we will find what is shown in Fig 5.

  • The top row shows measurements of particle 1.
  • The bottom row shows measurements of particle 2.
  • And the middle row shows a quantity that we infer from these measurements: their average.

For each measurement, I’ve drawn a straight orange line between the measurement of x1 and the measurement of x2; the center of this line lies at the average position 1/2(x1+x2). The actual averages are then recorded in a different color, to remind you that we don’t measure them directly; we infer them from the actual measurements of the two particles’ positions.

Figure 5: As in Fig. 4, the result of repeated experiments in which we measure both particles’ positions at the moment of maximal interference in Fig. 3. Top and bottom rows show the position measurements of particles 1 and 2; the middle row shows their average. Each new experiment is shown as two orange dots, they are connected by an orange line, at whose midpoint a new yellow dot is placed. Results of past experiments are shown in blue. No interference effect is seen in the individual particle positions, yet one appears in their average.

In short, the interference is not associated with either particle separately — none is seen in either the top or bottom rows. Instead, it is found within the correlation between the two particles’ positions. This is something that neither particle can tell us on its own.

And where is the interference? It certainly lies near 1/2(x1+x2)=0. But this should worry you. Is that really a point in physical space?

You could imagine a more extreme example of this experiment in which Fig. 5 shows particle 1 located in Boston and particle 2 located in New York City. This would put their average position within appropriately-named Middletown, Connecticut. (I kid you not; check for yourself.) Would we really want to say that the interference itself is located in Middletown, even though it’s a quiet bystander, unaware of the existence of two correlated particles that lie in opposite directions 90 miles (150 km) away?

After all, the interference appears in the relationship between the particles’ positions in physical space, not in the positions themselves. Its location in the space of possibilities (Fig. 3) is clear. Its location in physical space (Fig. 5) is anything but.

Still, I can imagine you pondering whether it might somehow make sense to assign the interference to poor, unsuspecting Middletown. For that reason, I’m going to make things even worse, and take Middletown out of the middle.

A Second System with No Where

Here’s another system with interference, whose pre-quantum version is shown in Figs. 6a and 6b:

Figure 6a: Another system in a superposition with entangled particles, shown in its pre-quantum version in physical space. In part A of the superposition both particles are stationary, while in part B they move oppositely.
Figure 6b: The same system as in Fig. 6a, depicted in the space of possibilities with its two initial possibilities labeled as stars. Possibility A remains where it is, while possibility B moves toward and intersects with possibility A, leading us to expect interference in the quantum wave function.

The corresponding wave function is shown in Fig. 7. Now the interference fringes are oriented diagonally the other way compared to Fig. 3. How are we to measure them this time?

Figure 7: The absolute-value-squared of the wave function for the system shown in Fig. 6. The interference fringes lie on the opposite diagonal from those of Fig. 3.

The average position 1/2(x1+x2) won’t do; we’ll see nothing interesting there. Instead the fringes are near (x1-x2)=4 — that is, they occur when the particles, no matter where they are in physical space, are at a distance of four units. We therefore expect interference near 1/2(x1-x2)=2. Is it there?

In Fig. 8 I’ve shown the analogue of Figs. 4 and 5, depicting

  • the measurements of the two particle positions x1 and x2, along with
  • their average 1/2(x1+x2) plotted between them (in yellow)
  • (half) their difference 1/2(x1-x2) plotted below them (in green).

That quantity 1/2(x1-x2) is half the horizontal length of the orange line. Hidden in its behavior over many measurements is an interference pattern, seen in the bottom row, where the 1/2(x1-x2) measurements are plotted. [Note also that there is no interference pattern in the measurements of 1/2(x1+x2), in contrast to Fig. 4.]

Figure 8: For the system of Figs. 6-7, repeated experiments in which the measurement of the position of particle 1 is plotted in the top row (upper blue points), that of particle 2 is plotted in the third row (lower blue points), their average is plotted between (yellow points), and half their difference is plotted below them (green points.) Each new set of measurements is shown as orange points connected by an orange line, as in Fig. 5. An interference pattern is seen only in the difference.

Now the question of the hour: where is the interference in this case? It is found near 1/2(x1-x2)=2 — but that certainly is not to be identified with a legitimate position in physical space, such as the point x=2.

First of all, making such an identification in Fig. 8 would be like saying that one particle is in New York and the other is in Boston, while the interference is 150 kilometers offshore in the ocean. But second and much worse, I could change Fig. 8 by moving both particles 10 units to the left and repeating the experiment. This would cause x1, x2, and 1/2(x1-x2) in Fig. 8 to all shift left by 10 units, moving them off your computer screen, while leaving 1/2(x1-x2) unchanged at 2. In short, all the orange and blue and yellow points would move out of your view, while the green points would remain exactly where they are. The difference of positions — a distance — is not a position.

If 10 units isn’t enough to convince you, let’s move the two particles to the other side of the Sun, or to the other side of the galaxy. The interference pattern stubbornly remains at 1/2(x1-x2)=2. The interference pattern is in a difference of positions, so it doesn’t care whether the two particles are in France, Antarctica, or Mars.

We can move the particles anywhere in the universe, as long as we take them together with their average distance remaining the same, and the interference pattern remains exactly the same. So there’s no way we can identify the interference as being located at a particular value of x, the coordinate of physical space. Trying to do so creates nonsense.

This is totally unlike interference in water waves and sound waves. That kind of interference happens in a someplace; we can say where the waves are, how big they are at a particular location, and where their peaks and valleys are in physical space. Quantum interference is not at all like this. It’s something more general, more subtle, and more troubling to our intuition.

[By the way, there’s nothing special about the two combinations 1/2(x1+x2) and 1/2(x1-x2), the average or the difference. It’s easy to find systems where the intereference arises in the combination x1+2x2, or 3x1-x2, or any other one you like. In none of these is there a natural way to say “where” the interference is located.]

The Profound Lesson

From these examples, we can begin to learn a central lesson of modern physics, one that a century of experimental and theoretical physics have been teaching us repeatedly, with ever greater subtlety. Imagining reality as many of us are inclined to do, as made of localized objects positioned in and moving through physical space — the one-dimensional x-axis in my simple examples, and the three-dimensional physical space that we take for granted when we specify our latitude, longitude and altitude — is simply not going to work in a quantum universe. The correlations among objects have observable consequences, and those correlations cannot simply be ascribed locations in physical space. To make sense of them, it seems we need to expand our conception of reality.

In the process of recognizing this challenge, we have had to confront the giant, unwieldy space of possibilities, which we can only visualize for a single particle moving in up to three dimensions, or for two or three particles moving in just one dimension. In realistic circumstances, especially those of quantum field theory, the space of possibilities has a huge number of dimensions, rendering it horrendously unimaginable. Whether this gargantuan space should be understood as real — perhaps even more real than physical space — continues to be debated.

Indeed, the lessons of quantum interference are ones that physicists and philosophers have been coping with for a hundred years, and their efforts to make sense of them continue to this day. I hope this series of posts has helped you understand these issues, and to appreciate their depth and difficulty.

Looking ahead, we’ll soon take these lessons, and other lessons from recent posts, back to the double-slit experiment. With fresher, better-informed eyes, we’ll examine its puzzles again.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 31, 2025

The quantum double-slit experiment, in which objects are sent toward and through a pair of slits in a wall,and are recorded on a screen behind the slits, clearly shows an interference pattern. It’s natural to ask, “where does the interference occur?”

The problem is that there is a hidden assumption in this way of framing the question — a very natural assumption, based on our experience with waves in water or in sound. In those cases, we can explicitly see (Fig. 1) how interference builds up between the slits and the screen.

Figure 1: How water waves or sound waves interfere after passing through two slits.

But when we dig deep into quantum physics, this way of thinking runs into trouble. Asking “where” is not as straightforward as it seems. In the next post we’ll see why. Today we’ll lay the groundwork.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 28, 2025

In my last post and the previous one, I put one or two particles in various sorts of quantum superpositions, and claimed that some cases display quantum interference and some do not. Today we’ll start looking at these examples in detail to see why interference does or does not occur. We’ll also encounter a difficulty asking where the interference occurs — a difficulty which will lead us eventually to deeper understanding.

First, a lightning review of interference for one particle. Take a single particle in a superposition that gives it equal probability of being right of center and moving to the left OR being left of center and moving to the right. Its wave function is given in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: The wave function of a single particle in a superposition of moving left from the right OR moving right from the left. The black curve represents the absolute-value-squared of the wave function, which gives the probability of finding the particle at that location. Red and blue curves show the wave function’s real and imaginary parts.

Then, at the moment and location where the two peaks in the wave function cross, a strong interference effect is observed, the same sort as is seen in the famous double slit-experiment.

Figure 2: A closeup of the interference pattern that occurs at the moment when the two peaks in Fig. 1 perfectly overlap. An animation is shown here.

The simplest way to analyze this is to approach it as a 19th century physicist might have done. In this pre-quantum version of the problem, shown in Fig. 3, the particle has a definite location and speed (and no wave function), with

  • a 50 percent chance of being left of center and moving right, and
  • a 50 percent chance of being right of center and moving left.
Figure 3: A pre-quantum view of Fig. 1, showing a single particle with equal probability of moving right or moving left. The particle will reach x=0 in both possibilities at the same time, but in pre-quantum physics, nothing special happens then.

Nothing interesting, in either possibility, happens when the particle reaches the center. Either it reaches the center from the left and keeps on going OR it reaches the center from the right and keeps on going. There is certainly no collision, and, in pre-quantum physics, there is also no interference effect.

Still, something abstractly interesting happens there. Before the particle reaches the center, the top and bottom of Fig. 3 are different. But just when the particle is at x=0, the two possibilities in the superposition describe the same object in the same place. In a sense, the two possibilities meet. In the corresponding quantum problem, this is the precise moment where the quantum interference effect is largest. That is a clue.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 26, 2025

Last time, I showed you that a simple quantum system, consisting of a single particle in a superposition of traveling from the left OR from the right, leads to a striking quantum interference effect. It can then produce the same kind of result as the famous double-slit experiment.

The pre-quantum version of this system, in which (like a 19th century scientist) I draw the particle as though it actually has a definite position and motion in each half of the superposition, looks like Fig. 1. The interference occurs when the particle in both halves of the superposition reaches the point at center, x=0.

Figure 1: A case where interference does occur.

Then I posed a puzzle. I put a system of two [distinguishable] particles into a superposition which, in pre-quantum language, looks like Fig. 2.

Figure 2: Two particles in a superposition of both particles moving right (starting from left of center) or both moving left (from right of center.) Their speeds are equal.

with all particles traveling at the same speed and passing each other without incident if they meet. And I pointed out three events that would happen in quick succession, shown in Figs. 2a-2c.

Figure 2.1: Event 1 at x=0.
Figure 2.2: Event 2a at x=+1 and event 2b at x=-1.
Figure 2.3: Event 3 at x=0.

And I asked the Big Question: in the quantum version of Fig. 2, when will we see quantum interference?

  1. Will we see interference during events 1, 2a, 2b, and 3?
  2. Will we see interference during events 1 and 3 only?
  3. Will we see interference during events 2a and 2b only?
  4. Will we see interference from the beginning of event 1 to the end of event 3?
  5. Will we see interference during event 1 only?
  6. Will we see no interference?
  7. Will we see interference at some time other than events 1, 2a, 2b or 3?
  8. Something else altogether?

So? Well? What’s the correct answer?

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 20, 2025

A very curious thing about quantum physics, 1920’s style, is that it can create observable interference patterns that are characteristic of overlapping waves. It’s especially curious because 1920’s quantum physics (“quantum mechanics”) is not a quantum theory of waves. Instead it is a quantum theory of particles — of objects with position and motion (even though one can’t precisely know the position and the motion simultaneously.)

(This is in contrast to quantum field theory of the 1950s, which [in its simplest forms] really is a quantum theory of waves. This distinction is one I’ve touched on, and we’ll go into more depth soon — but not today.)

In 1920s quantum physics, the only wave in sight is the wave function, which is useful in one method for describing the quantum physics of these particles. But the wave function exists outside of physical space, and instead exists in the abstract space of possibilities. So how do we get interference effects that are observable in physical space from waves in a weird, abstract space?

However it works, the apparent similarity between interference in 1920s quantum physics and the interference observed in water waves is misleading. Conceptually speaking, they are quite different. And appreciating this point is essential for comprehending quantum physics, including the famous double slit experiment (which I reviewed here.)

But I don’t want to address the double-slit experiment yet, because it is far more complicated than necessary. The complications obscure what it is really going on. We can make things much easier with a simpler experimental design, one that allows us to visualize all the details, and to explore why and how and where interference occurs and what its impacts are in the real world.

Once we’ve understood this simpler experiment fully, we’ll be able to discard all sorts of misleading and wrong statements about the double-slit experiment, and return to it with much clearer heads. A puzzle will still remain, but its true nature will be far more transparent without the distracting cloud of misguided clutter.

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 18, 2025

A pause from my quantum series to announce a new interview on YouTube, this one on the Blackbird Physics channel, hosted by UMichigan graduate student and experimental particle physicist Ibrahim Chahrour. Unlike my recent interview with Alan Alda, which is for a general audience, this one is geared toward physics undergraduate students and graduate students. A lot of the topics are related to my book, but at a somewhat more advanced level. If you’ve had a first-year university physics class, or have done a lot of reading about the subject, give it a shot! Ibrahim asked great questions, and you may find many of the answers intriguing.

Here’s the list of the topics we covered, with timestamps.

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:40 Why did you write “Waves in an Impossible Sea”?
  • 03:50 What is mass?
  • 09:03 What is Relativistic Mass? Is it a useful concept?
  • 17:50 Why Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is necessary
  • 23:50 Electromagnetic Field, Photons, and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
  • 36:17 Particles are ripples in their Fields
  • 38:47 Fields with zero-mass particles vs. ones whose particles have mass?
  • 46:49 The Standard Model of Particle Physics
  • 52:08 What was the motivation/history behind the Higgs field?
  • 1:02:05 How the Higgs field works
  • 1:05:33 The Higgs field’s “Vacuum Expectation Value”
  • 1:12:02 The hierarchy problem
  • 1:24:18 The current goals of the Large Hadron Collider

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON March 17, 2025


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