Of Particular Significance

Elementary Particles Do Not Exist (Part 1)

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 02/10/2025

This is admittedly a provocative title coming from a particle physicist, and you might think it tongue-in-cheek. But it’s really not.

We live in a cosmos with quantum physics, relativity, gravity, and a bunch of elementary fields, whose ripples we call elementary particles. These elementary “particles” include objects like electrons, photons, quarks, Higgs bosons, etc. Now if, in ordinary conversation in English, we heard the words “elementary” and “particle” used together, we would probably first imagine that elementary particles are tiny balls, shrunk down to infinitesimal size, making them indivisible and thus elementary — i.e., they’re not made from anything smaller because they’re as small as could be. As mere points, they would be objects whose diameter is zero.

But that’s not what they are. They can’t be.

I’ll tell this story in stages. In my last post, I emphasized that after the Newtonian view of the world was overthrown in the early 1900s, there emerged the quantum physics of the 1920s, which did a very good job of explaining atomic physics and a variety of other phenomena. In atomic physics, the electron is indeed viewed as a particle, though with behavior that is quite unfamiliar. The particle no longer travels on a path through physical space, and instead its behavior — where it is, and where it is going — is described probabilistically, using a wave function that exists in the space of possibilities.

But as soon became clear, 1920s quantum physics forbids the very existence of elementary particles.

In 1920s Quantum Physics, True Particles Do Not Exist

To claim that particles do not exist in 1920s quantum physics might seem, at first, absurd, especially to people who took a class on the subject. Indeed, in my own blog post from last week, I said, without any disclaimers, that “1920s quantum physics treats an electron as a particle with position x and momentum p that are never simultaneously definite.” (Recall that momentum is about motion; in pre-quantum physics, the momentum of an object is its mass m times its speed v.) Unless I was lying to you, my statement would seem to imply that the electron is allowed to have definite position x if its momentum p is indefinite, and vice versa. And indeed, that’s what 1920s quantum physics would imply.

To see why this is only half true, we’re going to examine two different perspectives on how 1920s quantum physics views location and motion — position x and momentum p.

  1. There is a perfect symmetry between position and momentum (today’s post)
  2. There is a profound asymmetry between position and momentum (next post)

Despite all the symmetry, the asymmetry turns out to be essential, and we’ll see (in the next post) that it implies particles of definite momentum can exist, but particles of definite position cannot… not in 1920s quantum physics, anyway.

The Symmetry Between Location and Motion

The idea of a symmetry between location and motion may seem pretty weird at first. After all, isn’t motion the change in something’s location? Obviously the reverse is not generally true: location is not the change in something’s motion! Instead, the change in an object’s motion is called its “acceleration” (a physics word that includes what in English we’d call acceleration, deceleration and turning.) In what sense are location and motion partners?

The Uncertainty Principle of Werner Heisenberg

In a 19th century reformulation of Newton’s laws of motion that was introduced by William Rowan Hamilton — keeping the same predictions, but rewriting the math in a new way — there is a fundamental symmetry between position x and momentum p. This way of looking at things is carried on into quantum physics, where we find it expressed most succinctly through Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which specifically tells us that we cannot know a object’s position and momentum simultaneously.

This might sound vague, but Heisenberg made his principle very precise. Let’s express our uncertainty in the object’s position as Δx. (Heisenberg defined this as the average value of x2 minus the squared average value of x. Less technically, it means that if we think the particle is probably at a position x0, an uncertainty of Δx means that the particle has a 95% chance of being found anywhere between x0-2Δx and x0+2Δx.) Let’s similarly express our uncertainty about the object’s momentum (which, again, is naively its speed times its mass) as Δp. Then in 1920s quantum physics, it is always true that

  • Δp Δx > h / (4π)

where h is Planck’s constant, the mascot of all things quantum. In other words, if we know our uncertainty on an object’s position Δx, then the uncertainty on its momentum cannot be smaller than a minimum amount:

  • Δp > h / (4π Δx) .

Thus, the better we know an object’s position, implying a smaller Δx, the less we can know about the object’s momentum — and vice versa.

This can be taken to extremes:,

  • if we knew an object’s motion perfectly — if Δp is zero — then Δx = h / (4π Δp) = infinity, in which case we have no idea where the particle might be
  • if we knew an object’s location perfectly — if Δx is zero — then Δp = h / (4π Δx) = infinity, in which case we have no idea where or how fast the particle might be going.

You see everything is perfectly symmetric: the more I know about the object’s location, the less I can know about its motion, and vice versa.

(Note: My knowledge can always be worse. If I’ve done a sloppy measurement, I could be very uncertain about the object’s location and very uncertain about its location. The uncertainty principle contains a greater-than sign (>), not an equals sign. But I can never be very certain about both at the same time.)

An Object with Known Motion

What does it mean for an object to have zero uncertainty in its position or its motion? Quantum physics of the 1920s asserts that any system is described by a wave function that tells us the probability for where we might find it and what it might be doing. So let’s ask: what form must a wave function take to describe a single particle with perfectly known momentum p?

The physical state corresponding to a single particle with perfectly known momentum P0 , which is often denoted |P0>, has a wave function

  • \Psi_{|{P_0}\rangle} (x) = \cos [P_0 x] + i \sin [P_0 x]

times an overall constant which we don’t have to care about. Notice the i = \sqrt{-1} ; this is a complex number at each position x. I’ve plotted the real and imaginary parts of this function in Fig. 1 below. As you see, both the real (red) and imaginary (blue) parts look like a simple wave, of infinite extent and of constant wavelength and height.

Figure 1: In red and blue, the real and imaginary parts of the wave function describing a particle of known momentum (up to an overall constant). In black is the square of the wave function, showing that the particle has equal probability to be at each possible location.

Now, what do we learn from the wave function about where this object is located? The probability for finding the object at a particular position X is given by the absolute value of the wave function squared. Recall that if I have any complex number z = x + i y, then its absolute value squared |z2| equals |x2|+|y2|. Therefore the probability to be at X is proportional to

  • |\Psi_{|{P_0}\rangle} (X)|^2 = (\cos [P_0 X])^2 + ( \sin [P_0 X])^2 = 1

(again multiplied by an overall constant.) Notice, as shown by the black line in Fig. 1, this is the same no matter what X is, which means the object has an equal probability to be at any location we choose. And so, we have absolutely no idea of where it is; as far as we’re concerned, its position is completely random.

An Object with Known Location

As symmetry requires, we can do the same for a single object with perfectly known position X0. The corresponding physical state, denoted |X0>, has a wave function

  • \Psi_{|{X_0}\rangle} (x) = 0\ {\rm\  except \ at\ } x=X_0, {\rm \ where \ it \ is \ } \infty\

again times an overall constant. Physicists call this a “delta function”, but it’s just an infinitely narrow spike of some sort. I’ve plotted something like it in Figure 2, but you should imagine it being infinitely thin and infinitely high, which obviously I can’t actually draw.

This wave function tells us that the probability that the object is at any point other than X0 is equal to zero. You might think the probability of it being at X0 is infinity squared, but the math is clever and the probability that it is at X0 is exactly 1. So if the particle is in the physical state |X0>, we know exactly where it is: it’s at position X0.

Figure 2: The wave function describing a particle of known position (up to an overall constant). The square of the wave function is in black, showing that the particle has zero probability to be anywhere except at the spike. The real and imaginary parts (in red and blue) are mostly covered by the black line.

What do we know about its motion? Well, we saw in Fig. 1 that to know an object’s momentum perfectly, its wave function should be a spread-out, simple wave with a constant wavelength. This giant spike, however, is as different from nice simple waves as it could possibly be. So |X0> is a state in which the momentum of the particle, and thus its motion, is completely unknown. [To prove this vague argument using math, we would use a Fourier transform; we’ll get more insight into this in a later post.]

So we have two functions, as different from each other as they could possibly be,

  • Fig. 1 describing an object with a definite momentum and completely unknown position, and
  • Fig. 2 describing an object with definite position and completely unknown momentum.

CAUTION: We might be tempted to think: “oh, Fig. 1 is the wave, and Fig. 2 is the particle”. Indeed the pictures make this very tempting! But no. In both cases, we are looking at the shape of a wave function that describes where an object, perhaps a particle, is located. When people talk about an electron being both wave and particle, they’re not simply referring to the relation between momentum states and position states; there’s more to it than that.

CAUTION 2: Do not identify the wave function with the particle it describes!!! It is not true that each particle has its own wave function. Instead, if there were two particles, there would still be only one wave function, describing the pair of particles. See this post and this one for more discussion of this crucial point.

Objects with More or Less Uncertainty

We can gain some additional intuition for this by stepping back from our extreme |P0> and |X0> states, and looking instead at compromise states that lie somewhere between the extremes. In these states, neither p nor x is precisely known, but the uncertainty of one is as small as it can be given the uncertainty of the other. These special states are often called “Gaussian wave packets”, and they are ideal for showing us how Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle plays out.

In Fig. 3 I’ve shown a wave function for a particle whose position is poorly known but whose momentum is better known. This wave function looks like a trimmed version of the |P0> state of Fig. 1, and indeed the momentum of the particle won’t be too far from P0. The position is clearly centered to the right of the vertical axis, but it has a large probability to be on the left side, too. So in this state, Δp is small and Δx is large.

Figure 3: A wave function similar to that of Fig. 1, describing a particle that has an almost definite momentum and a rather uncertain position.

In Fig. 4 I’ve shown a wave function of a wave packet that has the situation reversed: its position is well known and its momentum is not. It looks like a smeared out version of the |X0> state in Fig. 2, and so the particle is most likely located quite close to X0. We can see the wave function shows some wavelike behavior, however, indicating the particle’s momentum isn’t completely unknown; nevertheless, it differs greatly from the simple wave in Fig. 1, so the momentum is pretty uncertain. So here, Δx is small and Δp is large.

Figure 4: A wave function similar to that of Fig. 2, describing a particle that has an almost definite position and a highly uncertain momentum.

In this way we can interpolate however we like between Figs. 1 and 2, getting whatever uncertainty we want on momentum and position as long as they are consistent with Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation.

Wave functions in the space of possible momenta

There’s even another more profound, but somewhat more technical, way to see the symmetry in action; click here if you are interested.

As I’ve emphasized recently (and less recently), the wave function of a system exists in the space of possibilities for that system. So far I’ve been expressing this particle’s wave function as a space of possibilities for the particle’s location — in other words, I’ve been writing it, and depicting it in Figs. 1 and 2, as Ψ(x). Doing so makes it more obvious what the probabilities are for where the particle might be located, but to understand what this function means for what the particle’s motion takes some reasoning.

But I could instead (thanks to the symmetry between position and momentum) write the wave function in the space of possibilities for the particle’s motion! In other words, I can take the state |P0>, in which the particle has definite momentum, and write it either as Ψ(x), shown in Fig. 1, or as Ψ(p), shown in Fig. 1a.

Figure 1a: The wave function of Fig. 1, written in the space of possibilities of momenta instead of the space of possibilities of position; i.e., the horizontal axis show the particle’s momentum p, not its position x as is the case in Figs. 1 and 2. This shows the particle’s momentum is definitely known. Compare this with Fig. 2, showing a different wave function in which the particle’s position is definitely known.

Remarkably, Fig. 1a looks just like Fig. 2 — except for one crucial thing. In Fig. 2, the horizontal axis is the particle’s position. In Fig. 1a, however, the horizontal axis is the particle’s momentum — and so while Fig. 2 shows a wave function for a particle with definite position, Fig. 1a shows a wave function for a particle with definite momentum, the same wave function as in Fig. 1.

We can similarly write the wave function of Fig. 2 in the space of possibilities for the particle’s position, and not surprisingly, the resulting Fig. 2a looks just like Fig. 1, except that its horizontal axis represents p, and so in this case we have no idea what the particle’s momentum is — neither the particle’s speed nor its direction.

Fig. 2a: As in Fig. 1a, the wave function in Fig. 2 written in terms of the particle’s momentum p.

The relationship between Fig. 1 and Fig. 1a is that each is the Fourier transform of the other [where the momentum is related to the inverse wavelength of the wave obtained in the transform.] Similarly, Figs. 2 and 2a are each other’s Fourier transforms.

In short, the wave function for the state |P0> (as a function of position) in Fig. 1 looks just like the wave function for the state |X0> (as a function of momentum) in Fig. 2a, and a similar relation holds for Figs. 2 and 1a. Everything is symmetric!

The Symmetry and the Particle…

So, what’s this all got to do with electrons and other elementary particles? Well, if a “particle” is really and truly a particle, an object of infinitesimal size, then we certainly ought to be able to put it, or at least imagine it, in a position state like |X0>, in which its position is clearly X0 with no uncertainty. Otherwise how could we ever even tell if its size is infinitesimal? (This is admittedly a bit glib, but the rough edges to this argument won’t matter in the end.)

That’s where this symmetry inherent in 1920s quantum physics comes in. We do in fact see states of near-definite momentum — of near-definite motion. We can create them pretty easily, for instance in narrow electron beams, where the electrons have been steered by electric and magnetic fields so they have very precisely defined momentum. Making position states is trickier, but it would seem they must exist, thanks to the symmetry of momentum and position.

But they don’t. And that’s thanks to a crucial asymmetry between location and motion that we’ll explore next time. (Click here for Part 2.)

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28 Responses

  1. I would expect the Re and Im parts of the wave function with known momentum to be shifted by exactly 3.14/2. Why is your drawing showing it differently?

    1. The x-axis is in meters, not radians, so the shift in the coordinate depends on the momentum. What’s invariant is that the shift between Re and Im, for fixed momentum, is 1/4 of the wavelength. Does that answer your question?

      1. Yes, I see it now. Thank you.
        One thing I am still not sure about is how the argument of the sin or cos can be a value in kg*m^2/sec, which is what we get when multiplying momentum (kg*m/sec) by x (m). Should it have no dimension at all?

        1. Fair question: I was careless here, in order to keep out unnecessary notation. There is a factor of Planck’s constant h hiding in there; often, when dimensions don’t work, check to see if a simple h (or h-bar) or a factor of the cosmic speed limit c would fix them.

  2. One could argue that Tesla was basically correct in that there are no particles only confluence of wave functions that appear to be “particles” and by extension no such thing as “mass” and that Einstein equation of E=mc^2 should be considered as an identity in that there is no difference between what we call mass and what we call energy. Basically we could describe the universe by quantum fields. I agree this is somewhat reductionistic but it eliminates much of the efforts of trying to make phenomenon fit a mathematical model we are comfortable with

    1. There is only one wave function for any physical system of interacting objects, so you can’t have confluences of wave functions [plural].

      Also E=mc^2 is not an identity; or rather, if you choose to make it one, you haven’t accomplished much, because there’s still a quantity [rest mass] that does not always satisfy this equation and is needed for an understanding of physics.

  3. How can something that doesn’t exist smash into something else that doesn’t exist in an accelerator and create new things that don’t exist?

    1. Who said electrons don’t exist? So far, I’ve only said that in 1920s quantum physics, elementary particles don’t exist, because you can’t use 1920s quantum physics to tell if the electron is a particle and you can’t use it to tell if the electron is elementary. [And protons, which we also us in particle smashers, are certainly not elementary.] I think you might want to read posts 1 and 2 before you comment.

    1. “It was between 1928 and 1930 that Jordan, Eugene Wigner, Heisenberg, Pauli, and Enrico Fermi discovered that material particles could also be seen as excited states of quantum fields.”
      – “Quantum field theory”, Wikipedia

      1. … although the math of quantum fields had so many problems that almost nobody was confident that it was really the right way forward until the late 1940s and early 1950s; and skepticism of its wide applicability across particle physics was strong until it very suddenly all made sense in the early 1970s.

  4. “particles of definite momentum can exist”

    Well, no, of course they cannot, because (1) the universe is not infinitely big, and (2) the visible wave disturbance — the 3D Schrodinger wave as measured by, say, diffraction and thus meaningful in its spread without directly measuring the particle (a low-angle slow neutron off a mercury surface, for example) of anything you wish to identify as “a particle” in a way other than philosophical spreads no faster than light speed, meaning it would take infinite time to spread.

    right? 🙂

    1. This is largely correct, and it’s a detail that I do have to address at some point in a side note. However, the limitations on particles of definite position are far more severe, and their implications for the existence of pointlike particles are far more important. [After all, no one is imagining that electrons are infinitely spread out; they’re only imagining they’re infinitely small… and that’s what I’m trying to address here.]

      And in any case, what’s really important is that there is no real symmetry between x and p.

      1. Why didn’t you just use the basic physics 3 equation students learn when studying H$’s principal? It’s easier to follow and either position or momentum will cancel when solving for the other? Might reach more people. I’m glad this article exists. I’ve been saying for 10 years that matter itself never really precipitated from the energy soup of the universe. We merely experience the illusion of it based on properties given by various fields.

  5. I got a lesson similar to this from my highschool physics teacher. He started with pure tones which he said, ideally, would have the same volume and pitch over all of space a continual sine wave of infinite extent. Then we covered beats, the combination of two slightly different tones so that you get localized pulses of sounds. (He had two speakers set up so you could hear it.) He then went on that you could make more and more localized beats by using more and more pure tones, until you got a single ‘lump’ of sound… and that was how uncertainty in QM worked. It was a long time before I ran into any need to recall that lesson again. Wikipedia has a nice animation showing the math of it. (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Sequential_superposition_of_plane_waves.gif )

  6. a slightly unrelated question: Previously, Professor Strassler mentioned a forthcoming non-phib explanation of the spin of a “particle.” I do hope that is still in the works!

    1. You might be interested in some of the work of Charles Sebens. He basically describes how ‘wavicles’ in the electron field can have spread-out energy and charge densities that circulate, generating their angular momentum and magnetic moment. (Actually he describes how this works for a non-quantum version of the electron field, in the hope that this description can be applied to the quantum wavicles. The fact that electrons are fermions makes this second step somewhat complicated, and it isn’t clear if it is successful.)

      1. Electrons would be a second step; I would like to see this clearly done for photons. When you do the naive thing with semi-classical electromagnetic waves, you find the angular momentum of a circularly polarized wave is zero. When you do something less naive, trying to use a narrow beam of electromagnetic waves, , you can sort of get what you are looking for but all sorts of subtleties seem to arise. I have not seen anyone who has actually figured this out in a convincing way. (Ohanian is one of the people who has tried.)

        It would seem that something like this must be right, and I do not really understand conceptually why it is so difficult.

      2. How would that work in the light of entanglement though? Angular momentum such as in entangled spin pairs are neither localized nor definite (until observed).

        Sebens refer several times to that the velocity of charge flow, properly defined, cannot exceed the speed of light for any state of the Dirac field [“The Fundamentality of Fields”, arxiv 2202.09425; “How electrons spin”, arxiv 1806.01121]. But that field dynamics does not describe the localization of observation. He notes himself on the free theory:

        “To complete the story without interactions, one would need to show that the probability
        density over field configurations somehow yields the correct probability density over
        particle locations, at least when one considers hypothetical measurements. I have not
        seen this issue addressed directly.”

        [Disclaimer: Unless convinced otherwise, I prefer the relativistic selection of a random reference frame for conservation of spin in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-72817-7. Sebens’ work does not seem to fit that simpler relativistic dynamic, and it could explain why these complicated momentum models are difficult.]

        1. Entanglement works in QFT the same way it does in regular QM – roughly, the field does not have a definite configuration, but it’s state is (something like) a quantum superposition of different field configurations.

          For entangled spin pairs it would be in a superposition of two different configurations each with two different wave packets, where the angular momentum carried by the wave packets is correlated within each configuration.

          Measurements also work the same way (different field configurations in the superposition get correlated with different results of the measurement device, then apply Born rule or however your favorite interpretation of QM handles measurement). But as Sebens notes, the details are not all worked out.

  7. Dr.Strassler:
    I have been fully convinced for a very long time, that there are no such “particles” in the sense of hard little spheres. All that ever is, are excitations (ripples, wavicles) of underlying fields. And, for me at least, the uncertainty principle makes sense in that ripples, and not hard bits of “stuff” would have some uncertainty in position & momentum. I kind of visualize “particles” as undulating blobs. What’s even more fascinating, at least to me, is how these undulating blobs appear as hard particles, at least from a distance.
    Electrons are very “small” but Planck’s constant is orders of magnitude smaller, something like 10^_36 and since it’s in the numerator of the uncertainty, from an every day standpoint, it doesn’t seem like it has much bearing, for macroscopic things anyway.
    However, for submicroscopic “things” I would imagine this uncertainty has considerable consequences. Are you going to address any of those consequences in upcoming blogs?

    1. What do you mean by “appear as hard particles?” What experiments are you referring to?

      As for the other questions, let’s see how the posts evolve and then you can ask your questions at the end; you’re getting ahead of me.

  8. So far, this is reminding me of a PBS SpaceTime video – What Does An Electron ACTUALLY Look Like? – https://youtu.be/7XaJkE-ro2M — particularly when they mention that an electron’s location becomes uncertain if you probe at higher energy scales. Just wanted to point that out if you haven’t seen it.

  9. Hi Professor,
    I very much like the way you have two simultaneous waves depicted in your diagram. One wave you point out as real and the other as imaginary. This is critical in creating an actual physical model that is easily conceivable… Obviously the question is how. I think if you ever become familiar with Hierarchy of Energy theory, you could become a fan. I am inviting physicists from all over the world to my presentations at the March APS mtg and they seem to show show some interest. I know you will not be coming but please realize I have great admiration and respect for you and would appreciate your assessment at some time. I’ll even treat you and your wife to dinner! I like to have fun and I don’t even drink!

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