Of Particular Significance

Two Online Events on Higgs Discovery

Picture of POSTED BY Matt Strassler

POSTED BY Matt Strassler

ON 09/05/2012

My friend and colleague Sean Carroll, of the Cosmic Variance blog, who has a very good new book about the Higgs particle and its discovery, is being interviewed by Alan Boyle today as part of the Virtually Speaking Science series.  Listen live 9 pm eastern | 6 pm pacific, or later, at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/virtually-speaking-science/2012/09/06/sean-carroll-alan-boyle .  Sean is an excellent speaker and writer; highly recommended!

And I myself am giving a public lecture about the Quest for the Higgs Particle this Saturday, September 8th, 1 p.m. New York time/10 a.m. Pacific, through the MICA Popular Talks series, held online at the Large Auditorium on StellaNova, Second Life.  You’ll need a Second Life viewer to watch it live.  Should you miss it, both the audio and the slides will be posted later for you to look at.  (I gave one of these talks, on the Large Hadron Collider, back in April, but the sound quality over the web was a bit problematic; hopefully it will be better this time.)



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