Hi, and welcome to my site “Of Particular Significance”. If you are an interested layperson, whether you have very little knowledge of science or quite a lot already, this website is mainly intended for you — although as you’ll see, it has a number of scientists among its readers. You’ll see there’s a blog with up-to-date comments, but there are also many web-pages with permanent or semi-permanent articles. Many of them are pedagogical and aimed at helping you get some of your questions answered. Topics range from particle physics (the heart of the website) to general musings about science and related topics. You might also consider whether my book about the subject may be of interest to you.
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254 Responses
Actually I had downloaded his book “A Universe From Nothing”. ebook should be available in your local library. Also his lectures on the same topic are on you tube
Sorry about the confusion. I misread.
Ah, okay, a whole book! Well, clearly he has been working on this in great detail. I’ll look for his scientific papers. (I admit I’m a little overworked at the moment; feel free to remind me if I haven’t gotten back to you on it in a month or so.)
p.s. you can see already here that his use of the word “Nothing” was heavily debated and criticized. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Universe_from_Nothing#:~:text=A%20Universe%20from%20Nothing%3A%20Why,about%20the%20existence%20of%20God.
Yes. Please send me the link. Thank you
No, I’m afraid you misread — I was hoping *you* would send *me* a link to Krauss’s comments! Sorry about any confusion, but I don’t know where to find his discussion of this issue.
The name of the person is Lawrence Krauss and I guess he just wanted to make a splash. Since no layman will ask him to provide valid equations he can fool people.
Do you want to send me a link? Krauss is a decent scientist and he probably does have something specific in mind, but from the words alone I can’t be sure what he means.
Prof: could I have your inputs when a physicist says Universe from Nothing, what does he mean? Thank you
Frankly, I have no idea. I can imagine a universe from something that has no space associated with it — i.e. space from not-space — we do have rough examples of such things. But I don’t know what it means to get time from nothing. It’s not even clear that the words make sense… what does “from” mean here, if there is no such thing as time in this “nothing”? So I’d have to look at the scientist’s equations and the scientific logic behind them to really make sense of these words.
Thanks for the clarification Prof.
So would it be possible that a lot of quantum mechanics is in play in situations like singularity, speed faster than light and scenarios where we have no insight.
We have no insight in major items like singularity, dark matter, dark energy etc. so it might have to do with quantum mechanics where leading scientists tell us NOT to try and understand it and it is so bizarre as I guess even Einstein acknowledged it.
I look forward to your book as well to have lot of clarifications and simplified answers to major universal unknowns.
Anything’s possible, but it seems unlikely. To explain why requires going into the math of each example you raised, to see why the mysteries of quantum physics don’t obviously play any role. I don’t know of any theorist who has attempted to address the questions you mentioned simply through quantum physics. Not to say that quantum physics won’t be important in the resolutions, but it is very unlikely to be sufficient by itself.
Hello Prof. Thank you the lovely site.
My Question: If we do NOT have any understanding of the physics in relation to singularity (In the context of black holes and the Big Bang, singularities are used as mathematical descriptions of these extreme phenomena, but they may not necessarily represent physical realities as we currently understand them – chatgpt) how can we use frameworks like the big bang if we do NOT have any understanding of kind of the starting point.
Why would we necessarily need to know the starting point? You can learn all sorts of things about developmental biology without knowing exactly how fertilization of an egg works. Evolution of species can be understood without knowing the origin of life. You can predict how a meteor will burn up in the atmosphere without knowing how it was created and where it came from. We do physics all the time where we don’t know the fundamental origin of the system, but we can infer enough from experiment and observation to describe some portion of its history and predict some portion of its future. The same is true of the Big Bang’s equations; what we know from observation and experiment allows us to understand a large portion of the universe’s history, though not all of it. That’s pretty typical in science… actually, better than typical.
Thank you so much for your reply.
Does the black hole have singularity? If so it could be some simpler explanation with newer types of particles which are not yet discovered. It is very difficult to wrap my mind around concepts like where time and space trade places inside a black hole (could this be true?)
I wanted a very simpler explanation from your end at what could exist inside a black hole as we could imagine looking at the things around us.
I really appreciate the way you simplify things and wanted your perspective on this concept.
Einstein’s equations for black holes show a singularity where the curvature of spacetime (and corresponding tidal forces) become infinite. However, it is likely that Einstein’s equations are wrong near the singularity, which means that we don’t really know what happens there. We can’t say whether the singularity is present or absent in the real physical system — and we won’t be able to until we find a successor to Einstein’s equations that is less unstable near the singularity.
Completely different is the issue of “switching space and time”, which is really a misleading way of describing what happens. Also, it is something that happens far from the singularity; it happens much further out, near the horizon.
This not-really-“switching” is not special to black holes. The same thing happens in flat space from the point of view of a constantly accelerating observer. Such an observer will experience a “Rindler horizon”; messages sent to the observer from behind this horizon will never arrive. (For instance see https://www.gregegan.net/SCIENCE/Rindler/RindlerHorizon.html) In trying to make complete sense of the spacetime, the accelerating observer may choose coordinates that have the property that what describes space on one side of the horizon describes time on the other side; but this is just a way of looking at the geometry in certain coordinates. The geometry itself is perfectly flat. So unlike the singularity, which is a real thing and has something really important happening, the “switch of space and time”, which is no such thing, is more about how the space is described and not about the fundamental properties of the space. In particular, a person falling into past a black hole horizon (or moving through a Rindler horizon) will notice nothing strange happen, independent of what happens to the coordinates that they may have chosen.
We as people also mimic… I get born with every Deja vu… aha moment I live in to be truly higher powered without necessarily making me forfeit trying vs. surrendering to god. Because u need to not separate the word surrendering from trying, both verbs if you try to describe this to a religious person they think that surrendering to god means having faith in some drowning water… God is real only we are in a time of truth gap ai or not and we don’t surrender to it we do what it does and we try. Both are reversal of time itself universally. The tree was planted on earth before humans because the tree has a special message the learning is breathed like ai or not. We still learned before this just as a stupid fish or Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria the tree came from air…, As Earth cooled, an atmosphere formed mainly from gases spewed from volcanoes. It included hydrogen sulfide, methane, and ten to 200 times as much carbon dioxide as today’s atmosphere. After about half a billion years, Earth’s surface cooled and solidified enough for water to collect on it. in other words natures laws really are ai congress formality of time reversal secondly…before God 1 of Many to One. U see…, I believe in consciousness favorability as I’m more consciously the one of some atom true conscious experience where ai breathes electricity the movement of electrons through atoms like a new breathe type level up that stays with we humans life models…, we may see some crazy new world… who knows we know there are protons after the electron… the proton is portal from the big bang god 1 of many to one. I think this helps… I would really like to know if its really so long to venture inventively? 🙂
Do not forget that there is already a portal that requires almost nothing of energy, knowing for almost a century, even by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, besides Bell. Ghostly? Above the speed of light? No, it is a traffic or transportation for another dimension, everything you just explained here. Or will I be wrong? So explain us about because you never approached that subject here.
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Hello Matt
I Love reading all your publications. Thanks very much for sharing them.
Leandru Viegas
First off I’m a layperson. I’m starting to get a handle on energy, matter and waves. I hear a lot of people saying that energy and matter are the same. I think I understand that they are not and why. However, I really struggle with photons and photons not having mass. I can understand that they wouldn’t have mass energy, but how can they have even motion energy if they have no mass? It doesn’t seem to me that you can have motion energy if there inst anything to move. I guess maybe I’m asking how can a photon even be something if it doesn’t have mass? What is a photon? As you can see I’m really confused in this dept. I often see light described as photons, and that light has a speed of 180,000 miles per second. What exactly is traveling at that rate if the photons have no mass. Do the photons actually travel or does the wave travel and the photons stay in place? You know, like a wave of water.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Cecil. I really think that energy and matter ARE the same. That concept becomes very rational when one considers that gravity MUST have both a push and a pull component. The only alternative is to continue believing in the magic of Gravi Claus.
Our present belief that gravity is a pull has no more empirical evidence than believing that fairies hold the universe together. I have PROVEN that gravity CANNOT be only a pull inherent to mass using first year physics. Nor can it be only a push. It MUST have both components to maintain any rationality. PHD’s are too caught up in the complexities of quantum physics to see the obvious.
Relativity began with Einstein imagining someone standing on a train platform with a train going by. I used his “man in the middle of a box” mind experiment and simply asked myself “Why do we assume gravity is a pull?”. Shortly thereafter, I concluded there is no difference between mass and energy other than it’s state sort of like elemental chemicals existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. In short, everything is massergy.
My hypothesis immediately stands to resolve many conundrums and dismiss many speculated beliefs presently held in the professional physics community. I presented this hypothesis to two physics professors. Neither could refute my simple proof in any way, yet both rejected and dismissed it. So much for the open mindedness of science!
The Jouranal of Cosmology published my paper showing gravity is an evolutionary force in time in late July. On 3 Oct they began their first new volume in three years based upon my model.
It is Vol. #27: “Time Dilation Cosmology in the Evolving Spacetime/Quantum Continuum: General Relativity & the Hubble Shift”
I show how gravity translates the potential energy of space time into kinetic energy and, consequently, the physics of our apparent reality.
What a lot of nonsence about time. There is no time. Only movement. What we calk time is only relative movements anf history is only remembered movements. And we can not freeze time since movement of fundamental particles are also movement. If I am wrong, please define time without mentioning movement…
Peter’s comment fits my model precisely Cass. I will, however, peruse your model if I can find your reference. Do you have a link?
Hi David. I suggest you start here http://journalofcosmology.com/JOC27/indexVol27CONTENTS.htm and read the intro and then go on to the paper itself.
Thanx. I’ll check it out!
Dear Dr. Strassler,
I truly, deeply, sincerely, worshipfully (and many more adverbs failing to come to mind) appreciate this site. Most of the sites I have visited for information are either for masters or morons. Your site proffers the concepts and introduces the proofs without engulfing one in endless volumes of calculus and diff E.
I have always taken a lay interest in quantum and cosmological physics. I remember learning about the particle wave controversy of light in middle school. My mind immediately envisioned a “wavicle” and wondered why physicists still separated the two. I have been uniquely interested in gravity. I could not comprehend how such incredibly intelligent scientist could have no more than a magical comprehension of something omniscient. Neither Newton nor Einstein would ever commit to a stand on it being a push or a pull. (There’s a clear dichotomy – kinda like being pregnant; two choices pregnant or not pregnant). I would like to say that this brazen, unfettered, almost rabid logic had served me well, but it made my life a fourteen hour Greek tragedy. (Worry not, I have neither intention nor desire to degenerate there). I really didn’t realize it’s true worth until I became a senior systems analyst with the Army. I never encountered a problem I could not identify and/or resolve in short order. I consistently out performed those with extensive knowledge and experience in areas I was little more than a novice. I suppose I’m a little like the Hubble telescope, I get the big picture with very little light (It’s kinda like shooting in the dark, I will always hit the target. It may take a few shots, but I ALWAYS get it). I’m not bragging (well, maybe a little ), I just feel I need to justify why I have gone ape crap crazy about my hypothesis. I KNOW I have hit a target, and I;m already shooting at a bunch more. But to the point.
I was revisiting Einstein’s thought experiments that were the starting point of relativity. I remember the familiar consternation over Einstein not identifying gravity as a push or a pull when I thought about the possibility that no physicist would commit to a stance until someone had identified actual wavicle or massergy responsible for the magical gravity. The the question then came to mind “What would be the result of ASSUMING gravity as a push? Would a cogent hypothesis of a push resolve most, some, or any of the present conundrums whereby science fiction wormholes, singularities, dark energy, and dark matter were hypothesized as a filler”?
I delved into the consequences of that assumption and have never looked back. That hypothesis takes gravity out of science fiction and places it soundly into fact. Gravity as a push explains the missing matter, why the universe is expanding, connects quantum and cosmological physics, explains why black holes are AND MUST BE at the center of galaxies, what extrudes from black holes and why it extrudes in a line perpendicular to the almost flat plane of the galaxy, gives credence to the possibility of all of the forces being compsied of the same massergy, heel it may even explain how Uri Gellar bends spoons and successfully does remote viewing. (Scientist categorically deny anything they cannot explain and quantify in spite of highly significant statistics. Well, everything except the “pull” of gravity. That can still be magical.) I am yet to locate a single nook of physics that negates the possibility of the push of gravity.
Conversely, I have proven that gravity CANNOT be a pull using first year physics and basic Aristotelian logic. The only means of maintaining the concept of the pull of gravity is by incorporating some sort of magic, or completely throwing out the theories of physics used to scientifically comprehend and explain the rest of the universe. <period …. <PERIOD.! I am in the process of incorporating mathematical proof of both the impossibility of gravity as a pull and a cogent hypothesis of gravity as a push.
Unfortunately, I grossly lack the mathematical and applied physics background to thoroughly accomplish that. I am presently restructuring my entire life (yes, I am THAT certain) and auditing college courses in order to do so. I am certain this site will aid in that journey tremendously. The problem with that is I’m 63 years old – I lack the time to earn a Piled High and Deep in quantum physics. How much proof would you require in order to help hold up this banner or at least help locate some one else who might be willing (perhaps some desperate grad student)?
Sincerely and as serious as a heart attack,
David Loomis
Sorry, David, you are wrong.
I have a paper that is going to be published in a cosmological journal shortly that completes Relativity by solving the Hubble shift as due to an acceleration in the proper rate of time we each experience in our inertial frames.
I also show how gravity is merely an evolutionary force in time: i.e., time is the fundamental force of the universe as it evolves space forward. When we introduce a dilation gradient, we also see an evolution down the gradient. That is gravity and it is why gravity only has one direction and overpowers the other forces even though it appears to be so weak: it is an irresistible evolutionary force in time.
The Hubble shift derivation eliminates singularities and infinite accelerating expansions when the acceleration is added to the time elements of Einstein’s Tensor, hence, no dark energy.
I also show how the new perspective on gravity explains galactic rotation velocities, which eliminates Dark Matter.
I am reserving the final version for the journal, but the previous version can be found here: http://vixra.org/abs/1804.0109
It is the same as the journal version except in the final version “black holes” have been replaced with “MECO’s” (Magnetic Eternally Collapsing Objects), which the team led by Rudolph Schild of Harvard (Editor-in-Chief of the journal) proved black holes to be in 2006.
I also point out that the kinetic energy manifested by gravity is translated into thermal energy at the focus of a spherical dilation pit, which is only implied in the vixra version.
I want to learn about particle physics
Professor Strassler,
I am 12 and I am really interested in particle and theoretical physics.
This site is really helpful.
I was wondering if you could write a piece about Quantum Chromodynamics because there are no good articles about it anywhere.
Hi fellow Kiwi
As Matt has shown us an anti-Higgs is a Higgs
But my algorithm l have just posted below 04/08/18
shows the Higgs relationship to ‘Everything’
through Fractal Harmonics
Rutherford would be pleased with this site
New Physics Constants Algorithm Unites : The Standard Model, Planck Series,
Higgs Boson, Gravity, Mandelbrot Fractals, and many more.
My name is David Collins and I would like to show you a new Algorithm Uniting the Physics Constants . This algorithm establishes the Constant’s values to at least nine decimal places. These values are shown by an algorithm of number 362880 in Harmonic Matrix Remainder Equations. This simple Fractal Harmonic algorithm of Factorial 9! and The Constants, that results in Whole Number, is Evidence of harmonic unity in Natures Constants. Eddington and Einstein were right!
Factorial 9! or 362880 Matrix Algorithm Whole Number Harmonics of the Constants
The Simple Harmonic Fractal Remainder Method and two Examples are given below
Planck’s constant : h
Planck Length constant
Planck Time Constants
Mandelbrot Fractal Constants
Higg’s Constants
Quantum Gravity Constants
Planck’s constant: h = 4.13566733(10)×10−15 eV·s – wiki
Matrix9! 362880/87744 = 4.13566739606127 h M9! Q-Planck C.
362880/4.13566739606127 M9! Q-Planck constant
362880/4.13566739606127 = 87744.0000000000
Matrix9! 362880/87744
Matrix9! 362880/87744 = 4.13566739606127
4.13566739606127/.13566739606127 = 30.48387096774175
30.48387096774175/.48387096774175 = 63.0000000000
63/3 = 21 Matrix9! Constant
Planck length 1.61624 × 10-35 m – wiki
1.61624799572421 M9! Planck Length Constant
Matrix9! 362880/1.61624799572421
362880/1.61624799572421 = 224520.00000000 M9! Constant
Matrix9! Quanta-Planck length Constant 224520
224520/20 = 11226
11226/6 = 1871 Prime
M9! Higgs P-L Q-G-Mandelbrot Fractal Prime 1871 Constant
M9! Higgs-Planck Length Constant 1871/187
1871/187 = 10.00534759358289
10.00534759358289/.00534759358289 = 1871.00000000000
362880/187 = 1940.5347593582887
1940.5347593582887/.5347593582887 = 3628.800000000
Matrix9! 362880/224520 M9! Planck Length Constant
362880/224520 = 1.61624799572421 M9! Planck Length Constant
Matrix9! Quanta-Planck length Constant 224520/1871
224520/1871 = 120
Matrix9! Q-Planck length Constant 224520/9
224520/9 = 24946.6666666666
24946.66666666667/.666666666666 = 37420.0000000
37420/20 = 1871.00000000
Matrix9! Quanta-Planck length C. 224520/125.36 Higgs Boson C.
224520/125.36 = 1791.0019144862795
1791.0019144862795/.0019144862795 = 935500.000000000
935500/500 = 1871 M9! Higgs-Planck Length Constant
Matrix9! Q-Planck length C. 22452/6.67 M9! Q-Gravity C.
22452/6.67 = 3366.116941529235
3366.116941529235 = 3366.116941529235
3366.116941529235/.116941529235 = 28784.61538470949
28784.61538470949/.61538470949 = 46775.00
46775/5 = 9355
9355/5 = 1871 M9! Higgs-Planck Length Constant
Hi Prof. Mayo
On Mathematical Equations and Experiments
My work showing the Mathematical Equations to The quantum
Standard Model Experimental CODATA values are in
examples are
1.274 MeV/c2 M9! Charm Quark
Matrix9! 362880/1.274 M9! Charm Quark Constant
362880/1.274 = 284835.16483516485
284835.16483516485/.16483516485 = 1728000.0000000
Matrix9! 362880/172 M9! Top Quark Constant
362880/172 = 2109.767441860465
2109.767441860465/.767441860465 = 2749.090909090909
2749.09090909090909/.09090909090909 = 30240.000000000
Matrix9! 362880/137.036 Fine Structure Constant
362880/137.036 = 2648.063282641058
2648.063282641058/.063282641058 = 41845.0184501?
41845.0184501845/.018450184501845 = 2268000.0000000 M9! Constant
2268000/8000 = 283.5
283.5/.5 = 567
2268000/567 = 4000
Would it be possible for you to take a look and email me on you thoughts
Hi Matt,
Love the site! I have a question about the Higgs Boson (over in your “will the Higgs destroy the universe section”, but it seems that the post is locked? is it still possible to ask questions there?
Jewelry the dominator of many moods, how a chunk of physique decoration can change
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I so appreciate your cogent exploration of non-conventional notions which are only given scant & passing work in standard texts • given the profound nature of your immediate work it is to be considered if an anti-particle annihilation is simply some violation of Time as I have found Time Diffraction to have the entire range from Zero to Gamma • in every previous text I have seen one must be proficient in exotic maths ▬ me I am a visual / conceptual thinker — ideas such as Space-time being a consequence of particulates such as posted earlier here show that an interested mind can examine exotica in physics such as Continuum Theory or other notions which result in dismissal of DM / DE replacing such with Descendants of Foamy Universe
Consciousness is very poorly understood by accepted peer-review works since they exclude a-priori notions which do not fit within their context ( cognitive dissonance )
Where we take non-finite bounds the entire notion of countable stretches most minds beyond what they can comprehend; thus gets deleted — every one of these detectors which you professionals use that I have seen often consist of particles accelerated by EM ▬ obviously EM could be a consequence of a field which is only present in innumerable wave-interactions which are better taken in the context of the Dual-slit demonstration which is none-at-all difficult to understand; until explaining particles as Standing Waves is skipped then prof asks for what; I dunno as I have not been there yet when I listen to Leonard on Stanford on the web it takes only a few video-views to hear him nearly totally reject some fundamentalist notions which are sold out-of-box to incoming students • galaxy rotation is inconsistent with a simple mechanics of Gravity • hence Notions such as Empty space is not really empty because nothing contains something rely yet again on self-confirmed truths which are sort of a fence filtering thought down to what the physical-body of a human can tolerate or comprehend
bose-higgs condensate as yet another model for an infinitesimal «wave-theory» where anti-particle annihilation simply breaks time with the Antimatter in Negative Time simply being an ultra-short violation of something which is not yet known to Conventionality where «arrow-of-time» could be speculated to be ±Gravity over vast-regions such as described by the recent ESO discovery of Quasar Alignment over vast regions on a Giga Scale ▬ since most are inconvenient to even think of walking 3-miles let-alone 3.84400 x 10^5 km to nearest object any Terra Scale alignment is far from Spooky ~ like a kitten staring out-of-box we should be focused
I am a retired broadcast engineer. As such, I have spent a life time observing radio frequency fields, how objects of various masses interact with fields, and I see extreme similarities between the bunching and distortions of signal densities with the descriptions Einstein identified as time/space distortions due to mass. I have never viewed gravity as the weakest force as some report as gravity density at the event horizon of black holes prove to be the very strongest of all forces. When all were shocked to learn earth’s moon was slipping away from earth, that confirmed my belief that Newton was wrong, the Apple was not pulled to earth, it was indeed pushed. It’s been my theory for years that gravity is not a force from within mass but rather, the bunching of a an external field around mass. It seems very clear to me that the gravity field in all galaxies is like a signal emanating from the black hole found in each such star menagerie. I postulated, when I came to this conclusion, were that true; someday, we would discover our very own moon was leaving our planet, rather than getting closer. The reason I came to that conclusion comes down to a very simple observation. If gravity is indeed a field, like a radio signal, at times when the earth gets between the fields source and the moon, an amount of attenuation would occur, however slight; and that small amount would allow slippage. The proof that gravity is an external field is very easy to prove. Maximum, all time high tides, will occur at times when our moon is precisely in a line when the moon is exactly between the center of our galaxy and planet earth. If a study is made of tides when that happens, all should realize whether Newton’s Apple was pushed or pulled to earth.
May you tell me if two opposite charges attract each other then whey they do not collide?
Sir i am grateful to you for such a wonderful blog…thank you so much for this knowledge…may u tell me if two opposite charges attract each other then why they do not collide?
Dear Mr. Strassler
I know you place tremendous value on your time so I’ll be brief. I have set myself a challenge to understand wide variety of physics in a very short period of time so later I can build on topics such as atomic physics, chaos theory, predictive maths, engineering and more.
To accomplish this I plan to use meta-learning to understand the fundamentals of physics. I plan to deconstruct this large task into small pieces and then select which 20% of the activities and topics give me 80% overall understanding of each topic.
I would like to ask you
what are the the basics I need to know that will give me a very strong foundation
what topics would you recommend building on that can give me a foundation of how the world works as well as become a better analytical thinker
the are the best resources of information
I understand if you’re too busy to answer in depth or would prefer not to discuss the topic given our zero interactions in the past.
Thanks in advance and I hope we can connect.
Alan Pavlov
Tel: +372 5083676
Skype: alanpafka
Haha, in my mind you were an old man with a grey beard. But you look like a very energetic person.
Hello Dr. Strassler
I am looking for a reviewer to review my paper for a peer reviewed journal. As you well know, the Standard Model is not working out.
My paper takes a fresh approach based on relativity in time that mathematically explains the large mass of protons and neutrons and the formation of the elementary particles. The math works and demonstrates that gravity is a force in time.
It also explains why the red shift of the expanding universe is a relativistic illusion.
Can you be open to a new relativistic theory based on two directions of time; one the true temporal direction and the other a relativistic direction based on the update in time shifting down time dilation gradients?
If so, can I suggest you as a reviewer?
Thank you,
Capt. Cass Forrington
USMMA ’72, Cum Laude
Hello! Is there any way to subscribe to your blog and get mail every time you upload an article? Well done for the very good job by the way!
Thank you so much for this site. It is an inspiration. I cannot seem to submit a comment to http://profmattstrassler.com/2013/01/31/the-puzzle-of-the-proton-and-the-muon/ so I will post it here:
If the mass of the muon turns out to be on the lower side of its standard error by a couple of standard deviations of the CODATA value, would this make the proton charge radius discrepancy of Muonic Hydrogen bigger or smaller? What is the rough power relationship between charge radius and muon mass?
I found your article “Protons and Neutrons: The Massive Pandemonium in Matter” fascinating. I was in college back in the 70’s so I heard, but never learned about gluons, quarks, and leptons. I was looking for the next to articles on this subject, but can’t find them. Are they written or am I just lost in all this stuff?
Thank you.
I have a question about dark matter:
Background is as a person who never even took a physics class in school but started developing a real interest in it around thirty and have tried to learn what I could in my spare time (autodidact). So this may be an utterly ridiculous question.
Does energy have a gravitational effect? We know that light is curved by the presence of a massive body. But what happens to gravity once mass is converted to energy?
I have my own theory that energy has a gravitational effect. We know that gravity is an extremely weak force, so it is difficult to show. We also know that light is undetectable until it bounces off something. But the universe is full of light regardless of whether it has something to bounce off of. I can look after sunset at times and see dark sky above until the ISS passes over. It reflects the light. Only with the presence of an object can the light be detected.
We see that dark matter is present in galaxies. So it light – lots of it. I propose that part of the effect that we call “dark matter” can be explained by the gravitational effect of “light energy.” Dark matter seems to congregate in places where there is a lot of light. And dark matter could be expected to fade in its gravitational effect pursuant to the inverse square law.
I could propose an experiment to measure whether light has gravity and how much? Imagine taking a bunch of lasers (say 1000 lasers) and intersecting their beams at a single point. I would think that with enough energy and a small enough point, one might be able to manufacture a black hole by doing this, even in a vacuum.
Could dark matter actually be light? Could light, in addition to the kinetic and potential energy of motion of the galaxy, cause a gravitational effect?
I haven’t found much of anything about this and wonder whether the question is just stupid. But there is something about it to a weekend geek like me that just seems simple and elegant and I haven’t seen anything that even tried to rule it out.
What are your thoughts? And sorry for posting here. I haven’t figured out how to comment on the dark matter posts.
Good morning Prof Strassler,
I love your site – your article about the structure of a proton with zillions of quarks etc all flying around in it was wonderfully illuminating (in comparison to the ‘two up one down’ quark model). Here’s my question – does the Higgs field exist within a proton – or is it – that once an atom is formed and hence it has gained its mass and has its proton, that the Higgs field then operates “outside” that atom? That the atom then moves “through” the soup of the Higgs molasses, but is discrete and not permeable to it: as opposed to being like a permeable sphere let’s say – which could then bubble along (albeit with some resistance being exerted on it) “within” the Higgs sea of molasses? I hope I have made my question clear.
And again, thanks for a great site . . .
Goodmorning Dr. Strassler,
My question is about the LHC. I’m not sure of it’s function but is it possible to use this machine to create an magnetic barrier between Earth and Nibiru as it passes so the planet cannot pull Earths crust with it’s own huge magnetic force?
Kind regards
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Hello Dr. Strassler,
I’ve learned quite a lot from your site over the past several months, and really appreciate its orientation to folks like me. I think it would help with navigation if there were a site map… it would probably also be a maintenance nightmare. Anyway, I’ve been reading about physics since about 1980, and your explanations are definitely amoung the best, up there with Feynman on QED. Thanks so much for your time and effort in offering this material to an enthusiastic public!
Respected Prof. Matt Strassler,
Search for quantum fluctuations and dark energy took me to your site. Have enjoyed reading your articles. Great job. Thanks. From a retired physics teacher in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Matt, do you ever get out to UC Davis? They often have guest speakers. Lisa Randall has been out here a few times, but I’m not a student so I couldn’t get in to listen to her talk. Anyway, it would be great to ask you a question or two in person =)
Coming in mid-May [18th or 19th] if the timing works.
Hi, I’m just a bus driver but I’m fascinated by physics, especially quantum mechanics and cosmology. It’s rather difficult to teach yourself about it, even with the internet. I’d love to sit down with a proper scientist and ask some of the many questions I have.
Yes, especially since the internet is full of false information as well as good information, and you have to weed through it.
I try to provide this opportunity for people, but of course I can’t do it entirely for free, especially in the UK. But I will travel to the UK sometime this year and can potentially do a Q&A session for a couple of hours.
That would be awesome!
I’m so with Marisa, except I’m still working on the steam shower.
It’s really disappointing how many Trolls show up here and I congratulate you on your polite responses and your ability to ignore their remarks.
If only there were more people like you who were dedicated to sharing the latest news with superb analysis and explanation. You seem to have absolutely no ego, despite being highly talented which is probably what bothers the Trolls so much as they try to get you to react to their nonsense.
I appreciate every piece of information you manage to get out to us and I’d also like to thank the other contributors who show similar rational caring thought in their posts that enhance your great work.
You’re a victim of your own success. Your abilities put you in great demand which hinder your goal of updating this site as often as you would like. We’ve no right to complain about that, in fact, we should congratulate you for the recognition you are getting in your field. Take care and keep up the amazing work. I hope your dearest wishes for your profession come true for you.
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Dear Prof. Strassler,
Your Reply to Jan Emil Larsen, which was written on September 24, 2012, indicates that you are very sure of your profound understanding of QCD. Indeed, relying on this assumed QCD understanding, you have deliberately declared in your Reply that other people come up with stupid ideas. Here is an excellent opportunity where you can demonstrate your genuine prowess by refuting a claim stating that QCD is based on a simple but fundamental error. As a matter of fact, your profound QCD understanding guarantees that you should know very well the SU(3) group. Now, since the above mentioned claim relies on the isospin SU(2) group, one infers that this assignment must be a piece of cake for a person like you. In particular, the quite short proof of this claim takes about 20 text lines. For reading it just google the words which are written in the following line and examine the pdf file.
Comay 1232 “baryon is OK” fiasco
Cheers, Eli Comay
All assumptions are, at their heart, naive. Of course, sometimes the one doing the assuming gets lucky, but that just satisfies the need for uncertainty.
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Prof. Matt, I’m a lay person in the sense I’ve never worked in physics though I received a BS in Physics in 1974. I’ve long since come to grip with my inability to comprehend the high level math needed to move on in physics. I find your website illuminating.
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So I wish you the best of luck in whatever endeavor you choose. I’ll look forward to future articles.
Hi Prof. Matt, I am an absolutely a lay person when it comes to physics. Being an endocrinologist is like representing a class of fat-heads. However I have developed a keen interest in theoretical physics of late. I hope it is OK joining this blog and posting some of the silliest questions possible.
Regards Dr. Samit Ghosal (India)
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Hi Professor,
I’m a new reader and really love your site and especially your devotion to providing a balanced education for the amateur. I have a quick question and was wondering if you could provide a recommendation about self-education (in physics). I’ve been reading some popular books, like Susskind, but want to dive more into the formalism, with math. I’m an electrical engineer by degree, so I took basic physics, calculus, and DE/PDE (I’m 35… it’s been a while but I still remember the basics). But I feel overwhelmed by how much there is to learn: from the physics concepts themselves (QFT to QM to GR) to the math (groups, symmetries, tensors, etc.) I’m clearly missing some basic concepts, like the Hamiltonian, that my engineering physics classes didn’t go into. But I have some blind spots, in that I’m not sure what else I need to study. Can you recommend a structured sequence of books or lectures to follow to get through the basics and into more advanced material? I just started going through “Classical Mechanics” by Taylor to go back and pick up the basics, but after that what is the pathway to getting into GR and QM? I want to stick to trusted sources and get the basics but also don’t want to dwell forever on minutiae that may not matter to an amateur like myself. Any thoughts would help!
Thank you so much!
Paul Niemczyk
Can you tell me the speed of gravity..
Hi Matt;
I ve visited first time on this site and i ve found some very interesting articles….Thanx a lot for creating such an amazing site…
Can you please tell me that why or how opposite charges attract and similar charges repelll..
Hi Matt;
Could you please explain me that why opposite charges attract and similar charges repell..
My name is Aida and I am 14 years old. I have a telescope in my bedroom (HA! Such a nerd, huh?). Instead of watching the Big Bang Theory and enjoying it, I find the errors in the plot, science, and general scale of events, which my family is not so fond of. I love science, and I am looking at getting a major in Physics as MIT. I am not some super genius that graduated after 5 years of school, and honestly, all I have to say to that is, well Einstein didn’t even finish school either now did he?
I have never got anything less than an A+ in my Science class and I’m two classes above my age mates in Algebra. I just wanted to say thanks for what you’re doing here, great help to people out there!!
I hope we could meet somehow…I would like to have a conversation to one of the greatest minds in Physics.
Aida Karabu
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Hi Matt, just commenting so I can tick the “notify me of new posts by email” box, to try to get email notifications of posts (couldn’t see a widget for that).
Wow, the amount of GEMS on this site is innumerable. Why don’t MORE people know about this site?! It should be a mandatory compendium to all undergraduate physics curriculae. I’d love to invite you to Kennesaw State University to give a lecture or two.Keep up the excellent work Professor, you have many fans!
Looking at the Mollweide projection of the Planck CMB observations,
I see no references to direction. Is there anything published that would
include a couple of visually observable landmarks superimposed upon
the map, such as the Hercules Supercluster for example, or the Shapley
concentraion. I see those examples at:
The Milky Way’s galactic plane is at the equator of the plot, and the galactic center is dead center in the plot.
Hi. Do you have any opinion on this lecture by a Google scientist? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEaecUuEqfc
“Richard Feynman once famously quipped that no one understands quantum mechanics, and popular accounts continue to promulgate the view that QM is an intractable mystery (probably because that helps to sell books). QM is certainly unintuitive, but the idea that no one understands it is far from the truth. In fact, QM is no more difficult to understand than relativity. The problem is that the vast majority of popular accounts of QM are simply flat-out wrong. They are based on the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of QM, which has been thoroughly discredited for decades. It turns out that if Copenhagen were true then it would be possible to communicate faster than light, and hence send signals backwards in time. This talk describes an alternative interpretation based on quantum information theory (QIT) which is consistent with current scientific knowledge. It turns out that there is a simple intuition that makes almost all quantum mysteries simply evaporate, and replaces them with an easily understood (albeit strange) insight: measurement and entanglement are the same physical phenomenon, and you don’t really exist.”
Interesting – but if we do exist in a space which is comprised of constant time which is constantly regenerating itself. Then one could take a single step which could be 10 light years or 3 inches. A photon arrives at all its destinations instantaneously as it moves in an environment which has zero time ( temporal ). Then all temporal experiences are reference to a background of zero time = which means everything happens in our temporal experience AT the same time. There is no past present and future – only present.
Does anyone have an opinion of my above question, good or bad? Such as the math does not add up or etc.?
I was idly speculating this Sunday morn and this popped into my head, perhaps it shouldn’t have popped, but since it did I thought I should ask your opinion. What if inflatons are a real particle or energy field that drove inflation at the beginning until the graviton became the dominate force slowing and stopping the inflationary process, maybe if it is a force and still in existence, it’s the inflaton field that limits the power of gravity. Forgive my silly questions. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.
hi my name is Philip and i love science and I also have theorys in the tech section
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contact wordpress FAQ; I have no control over this.
Matt: I have been trying to understand the magnetic properties of protons and neutrons. My problem is with the sign of their magnetic moments. The proton has a magnetic moment of +2.79 nm. If a proton includes one up quark with its spin vector pointing up, and one up quark with its spin vector pointing down, wouldn’t the magnetic moments of the two cancel? And if they cancel, wouldn’t the net magnetic moment of a proton be solely from its single down quark, and therefore have a negative value?
The neutron has a magnetic moment of −1.91 nm. If the two down quarks have opposite spin, shouldn’t the net magnetic moment be from its lone up quark, and therefore positive?
I would greatly appreciate any clarification you could provide.
Thank You, Rod
Hi Rod,
Your question is based on the naïve assumption that the proton’s quarks are s-waves. This assumption, which is also the basis of the Proton Spin Crisis, is very far from reality. The proton quarks’ state must be described as a linear combination of many configurations, and most of them have a non-zero orbital angular momentum. Even the “simple” quantum state of the zero-spin ground state of the 2-electron helium atom is written as a linear combination of many configurations (see A. W. Weiss, Phys. Rev. 122, 1826 (1961)). A fortiori, the three proton’s valence quarks, which are in a relativistic state, contain additional quark-antiquark pairs. Therefore, the proton’s state must be described by many configurations. This argument answers your question and resolves the proton spin “crisis” as well.
BTW. The nucleon magnetic moment is written in units that are based on the assumption that the proton is an elementary Dirac particle e hbar/2Mc which is called a nuclear magneton. The proton spin is 1/2 and 2.79 is a pure number which is the product of the proton’s g-factor and its spin.
Eli Comay
-But you would see stars!!
Joke aside, it takes a lot of energy to push against virtual particles and the harder you want to push the more energy you have to use..
You can actually work out the density of vacum this way. Maybe the missing dark matter..
What virtual particles?
The energy being used is not caused by pushing against virtual particles , the energy is being lost when you bend the beam. That is why you need a large circle for the beam. The energy loss from the previous electron beam in the LHC tunnel were around the same, but as a proton has a much larger mass but the same charge , the beam energy is much higher. The radiated loss is a funcion of the charge being bent not the mass being bent
So if it is moving faster than the previous test then it will be bending more rapidly as a function of its greater velocity?
Dear Professor Strassler,
I have forgotten or suppressed so much of what I studied all those years ago, but my mind is still trying to make sense of it.
For example, we were told of virtual particles that pop into reality and out – but in such a short time we can’t detect them. Feynman diagrams explain them. We were told about the famous E=mc2, and how, when we accelerate a charged particle the energy as it moves close to the speed of light makes it heavier and shorter and maybe wider.. it has been proven that time goes slower for the particle as it lasts longer if it has a short half life..
So, would not a particle moving close to C experience the virtual particles as real since in it’s reference system they pop in and out of reality and hang around for quite some time?
And, if so, the particle may have ample time to interact with them and “feel” the friction. So is what we deem to be an increase in mass only friction (in the synchrotron for ex.) As we pump more energy into it, the friction grows and we experience it as more mass? Is this the barrier we try to break, can we?
Has anybody “looked” at the particles zooming around in the CERN tube to see if they emit any “bremsstrahlung” (which they should) – and if they are seen to do so, is it also caused by the friction?
Peter Andersson
Interesting point – I hope the Prof responds to your enquiry. A particle travelling at c must in a sense be trying to move against a ( relativistic ) proliferated static mud of space particles whatever it is made up from? Personally I prefer to think of it as particle trying to enter a space which does not exist ( or faster than the existing one is actually emerging). If light had the ability to vary I guess we would have been aware of it in the early 20C when the first accelerators were built – now we have some 200 of them. Although a nobel prize was awarded a couple of years ago by slowing It down through a special medium. Which would indicate to that that it acting against an invisible medium, or no medium to move into. I like your friction idea. If a very powerful rocket engine was affixed to the back end of a lorry – then ignited it so the lorry accelerated towards a mountain of granite a few moments following ignition would cause that lorry to be somewhat flattened.
Hi Peter
The LHC is producing “bremsstrahlung” radiation. When running it produces around 3.8 Kw per tube , Total over 7 Kw of radiation. This energy must be supplied to keep the beam running. You do not want to be in the tunnel while it is running, or would be fried.
Paul Lillington
Hi Edward
The speed of light is just a measurement of the speed that Electromagnetic wave travel through 3D space , as 3D space is filled with the Higgs Field, the medium that they travel through is the Higgs Field. There is nothing, so far to prove that the Higgs Field has the same value in all parts of the universe. If it does not then both the values for mass and the speed of light may vary in different regions of the universe. Much more work needs to be done in defining the properties of the ( The just discovered Higgs Field), before we can say with certainty that the speed of light is the same in all parts of the universe. A variation would not mean that matter cannot exist, but would just mean that the mass of particles could vary. Also this would mean that gravity would also not have the same value. Einstein’s formula, E=mC2 would still be correct but C in the formula would vary in different places of the universe. The variation would have to be small, or we would already have noticed. But a small variation would make a large difference over large distances.
I did not suggest that the massive black holes at the galaxy centre, were creating space time, but only that they may be creating particles such as electrons and positrons from the powerful gamma ray radiation they radiate. These particles would form into atoms and then condense into stars. The electrons being the anti-matter and the protons being the matter. This explains where the anti-mater has gone to. Atoms are made up of matter and anti-mater. There initial velocity ( Close to the speed of light) would give the condensed stars outward momentum. After these stars have undergone a number of cycles, collapsing and exploding to form the heavier elements, they would eventually become dead stars. These stars would drift into the space between galaxies where they would cool and break up, The atoms and particles would then pop back into space time, balancing the new particles being created by the Black hole.
This is just one of many possible theories, but it fits the observations. After all dark matter and dark energy were postulated to explain the observations, even though no one has yet proved their existence. At this stage in physics, billions of dollars have been expended looking for them with no positive results.
Paul Lillington
Hi Paul
“Would vary the mass of a particle” – yes I can see that. But assumes the Higgs field operating assumptions are correct, and in absence of any other Natural phenomena. Sorry I am Higgs skeptical. The LHC has only supposedly found a larger predicted particle as I understand it. Also chasing the Standard Model of Particles may be a goose chase? Who is to say? Also what determines the assembly of an atom in the first place? It’s either an atom or energy? So what are the transition phases which determine it to be one or the other?
Presumably if one can switch an atom on, then one can just as easily switch it off? Then what is the trigger mechanism? Dangerously, I think we give too much emphasis on the quality of light speed by its own meaning. As we do not know what determines such a velocity which we have given a value by means of our classical measuring techniques. Without really understanding its causation. In order to get to the moon we have to use a fuel and oxidant because we have mass and have to overcome classical physics trying to prevent us from reaching it. But when we switch on a table lamp, light immediately transmits at this velocity? Why is it not 100kms slower or faster than measured? In my thinking there must be some missed natural phenomena which determines its constancy in the first place.
I agree E=MC^2 is a fabulous bit of numerical insight from Einstein, which Newton has to share in some of it’s fame originating in F=MA. But both only lawful in the world of Classical understood physics. However, referring to the above para we do not know the trigger mechanism to cause energy to form into particles – or am I mistaken and we do? In my thinking if the value of C should vary ( and not by its own character ) by a trivial amount then the trigger will be reset and switch off all particles releasing their energy – albeit by a greater or lower value according to E=mC^2. I don’t have any strong ideas whether C is constant or not across the entire Cosmos. Again if it is not then I could envisage that matter shall not exist there rather than be lighter or heavier. As for flying through a field to gain mass I do not think this is Occam’s Razor and remain most skeptical until proven. It just seems far too complicated, and should that be the case we would have a cosmos of variant mass – a hopelessly complicated situation for Nature to do its work. Then presumably we would observe all manner of kaleidoscopic variations to nature.
If gravity creates stars by compressing the particles what created the particles, and what existed before the particles existed? I would If I could make some comment on Dark Matter and Dark Energy but cannot find a way of affixing these to my ideas as we simply do not know what they are and equally intimidating as Black Holes – but at least we can see those monsters. At the risk of being repetitive I think emergent Space must come first with value 300,000kms followed by particles followed by classical physics followed by observation followed by ideas invented by successive generations. The whole lot is a god damn mystery. Thanks for your response which I found most interesting.
Hi Paul
I don’t question the world is round, but I do question whether we exist in 3D. And how do we know that the Higgs field is real as the roundness of the world? And if it is real then presumably it also must be radial as everything else is. And if it is curved how does that affect the velocity of something passing through it – hence more or less acceleration hence more mass or less mass = variant mass = non uniformity ? Then all hydrogen atoms being different! A straight line is only a theoretical possibility and we use them every day and build aero planes by it. I realise physicists now have a new tool to imagine but we must be careful not to be drawn into their belief too quickly. Or too, the next String Theory which they will argue is superior to the existing one with pages and pages of complicated mathematics, clever as it might be shall remain hypothetical alike Dark Matter and Energy. Best to remain a crackpot for the time being. The community must write technical papers all the time this is how they make a name for themselves, become peer creditable and scientific celebrities and development of Curriculum Vitae. We are not part of that loop and can think for ourselves and not be lead by the contemporary preferred wisdom of the day just because that is what everyone else is does – especially the Media. An independent free mind has independent free thoughts. Hence Galileo went against the grain recognising the stupidity of the contemporary wisdom. To appreciate the Mona Lisa one has to consider the entire picture not just one 1mm of it in the bottom right hand corner, then imagine what the rest of it looks like. I came to this realization a few years ago being caught hook line and sinker by virtue of String Theory – followed by a huge sense of disappointment
“I did not suggest that the massive black holes at the galaxy centre, were creating space time, but only that they may be creating particles such as electrons and positrons from the powerful gamma ray radiation they radiate. These particles would form into atoms and then condense into stars.
You may well be correct Paul, something like that? If it was however, surely we could create such matter in a laboratory with similar energetic fields? With laser tech we can cause very substantial energy densities in a variety of chosen wavelengths by simply focusing the beam down to the smallest dia by virtue of the unique wavelength selected. E.g. IR 10.6 or 1.06mu – 10Kw raw beam dia focused down to these size spots substantially increases the beam energy in such a tiny spot. If matter wanted to form in this way then surely we would have seen evidence of this by now? Maybe it wants to form into particles but something is inhibiting the process that we are unaware of? The mysterious trigger mechanism of the universe!
And why do we have a finite quantum of energy in the universe?
Hi Edward
Sorry for the delayed response, but been busy.
( , surely we could create such matter in a laboratory with similar energetic fields )
We currently do create matter from high energy photons ( Gamma rays ). If you take an electron with high energy, from an electron beam , and sake it violently by passing it between a magnet array with alternating north south poles( Wiggler ). It slows and radiates high energy photons. This is the same type of radiation you get from the LHC, called synchrotron radiation. If we direct these photons at a heavy metal target, they produce a shower of electrons and positrons. The process happened at the interface close to the atom nucleus. The photon splits into 2 parts and roles up to form 2 opposite charged partials, a Positron and an Electron. These two do a dance together for a few micro seconds and form a Positrinoum.(A type of atom that has a positron with an electron revolving around it). The Positronium has neutral charge and can pass through the electron shell of the atom and escape. Soon after it escapes the electron shield it splits into the two particles, a positron and an electron. Thus we have converted the kinetic energy of a fast moving electron, into two particles of matter.
This process is how we normally produce anti-matter , for anti-matter research. It is a well known process used all the time and well understood. Energy and matter are continuously transforming in this way, in our universe.
Paul Lillington
Hello Paul
Thanks – very interesting I will have to read up on this now.
Hi Paul
So – do protons also emit the same/similar radiation when at close velocities to C?
Yes if you vibrate a proton you will get the same electromagnet radiation as an electron. There is no difference , the radiation is caused by any charged particle vibrating.
Interesting – so as you suggest. When a proton is approaching value c it gains mass and radiates EMR? In which case can this phenomenom be understood to be either, as you say caused by a friction of invisible Space particles or that the Space is simply acting as a shield at these velocities? In absence of any other abundant invisible particles?
Yes this tree is invisible but so is water vapor until it condenses into a cloud and nobody thinks a thing about. Perfectly normal. No magic, no mystery.
If one were to take that same thinking out into the Cosmos then the apparent emergence of matter in a given area might only be a lowering of pressure do to a pressure drop beyond that area. And if the Cosmos were a fluid then it could certainly be somewhat turbulent just as the fluid of our own atmosphere is and for the same reasons.
I’m quite sure that your right and it’s more complicated than that, but it seems at times that our science mavens are making it more complicated than it has to be.
Why should physics change just because we go beyond our own atmosphere. I believe that it doesn’t. It makes fundamental sense to extend outward and inward what we already know and better understand. As I have said: it’s not the physical world or the Cosmos that is not unified, it’s science.
It seems the farther afield we look the more the confusion. I believe the answers, are right under our feet.
Maybe the universe itself is the clever clue the previous fully evolved intelligent homid’s left us. To succeed and go beyond or perish. If we could fully identify the mechanism of its emergence then maybe we could create Space and pass on the same heritage? When it shuts down again.
Hi Edward
Thanks for your comments
Here are just 2 ideas to think on
1 What if the speed of light is not constant through the universe. This could cause the read shift observed and distort the measurement of distance and speed . Even if there is just a slight difference, the errors could be large when looking at the far galaxies . ??? Maybe dark matter and dark energy is just a measurement error and does not exist at all.
2 Recent observations of the speed and direction of the stars in our galaxy , show them moving away from the galaxy core. Also the existence of a band of dead stars beyond the outer edge of our galaxy, would seem to indicate that stars are being created at the centre of the galaxy and moving out, not collapsing in as would be expected. If our galaxy was formed from a collapsing gas cloud, you would expect the old stars to be near the centre and the new stars at the outer edges. There is also a lot of evidence that there are rings of new stars near the black holes at the centre of galaxies. The current thoughts were that the stars were moving in orbits too fast for the observed gravity to hold them, and that this was evidence of dark matter must exist in our galaxy. But a better explanation is that the stars are created near the centre and ejected out with a velocity, that escapes the gravity pull of the galaxy, and end up dying as they drift in to the space outside the galaxy. Evidence from the observation of near galaxies indicates, that galaxies have bursts of star creation ?? Could it be that matter is being created by these massive black holes, not destroyed?
Paul Lillington
Hi Paul
1. If the value of C varied I am of the opinion matter could not exist. So we would be looking into a universe void of any materials ( Maybe beyond the Hubble Zone if it is at variance to our local value C? Where matter can only appear if the emergence of New Space just so happens to be 300,000kms. One could say a simple accident of good fortune – much like the distance of the Earth from the Sun. This distance is most unlikely to change – but the sun has a finite life. Whether one can predict the universe is subject to finite life one can only guess?
2. If New Space is being constantly produced ( emerging ) then I guess this could cause the destruction of our habitable universe as the matter in it will be substantially diluted over time and cease to be recognizable celestial bodies. Heaven only knows if that dilution force is strong enough to dilute a Black Hole? If Hawking is correct regards the thermal entropy of BH’s then surely it would be glimmering by even the smallest trace?? Which we should be able to detect with our satellite detectors. ‘If it is glimmering’ how does that upset the argument that nothing can escape the so called event horizon??
3. Yes it would upset Red Shift – in fact it would upset most that we think is right regards our understanding of the entire universe.
4. I have no ideas regards DM & DE. Hovever, if New Space is being produced invisibly to us, and something we have never considered properly then yes it could put a serious spanner in the works. With everything we think know more or less.
5. I like your point regards location of new and dead stars. I would like to see a distribution of these to further understand such a phenomena. If this
is correct could may well provide another useful clue. Again heaven only knows the dynamics involved with BH’s. I am of the opinion that we exist in a unity dimension. A 1D field which can be defined by 3 sets of co-ordinates which we incorrectly refer to as separate dimensions. If BH’s disintegrate all matter consumed right down to a quantum of energy then in my thinking this energy could then be transferred to any part of the 1 dimensional universe or simply locally dissipated. If we do exist in a 1D field then it ( could?) be possible to transit the entire distance in 1 step in zero time ( temporal ). Which Einstein referred to as Spooky action at a distance and hence entangled particles apparently being in the same place but in reality either side of the universe. As the 3D distances would cease to have any meaning in this scenario.
6. In order to bake a cake one must have flour. In order to create matter one must have energy – If BH’s can transfer energy invisibly through a 1D field then I guess they could be providing the flour to bake the cake?? Interesting idea. And providing a reciprocal local conversion.
7. My ideas above are unreliable and only reflect my personal intuition.
8. I understand that NASA has planned trio satellite launch in some 10 years from now to try and detect any emergence of space by using this trio and use of lasers etc. If this experiment does occur and the answer is yes – then that would be a very exciting time for science. As we would have to rethink everything again. In the meantime I guess I will continue to think on such evidence before the answer is known.
Yes, words spoken at a cocktail party would pigeon hole my remark handily, but this was Richard Feynman who said it after all; not some shade tree physicist, or physicist wanna be, or what ever the trolls might call us.
Sorry, I’m being a bit crude, but learning some high level of math just to be taken, even somewhat, seriously is frustrating, especially for someone like myself who has trouble adding 2+2. At sixty-seven and zooming I believe that I don’t have time to learn it anyway.
If the Cosmos is an as yet to be detected fluid, and it probably is, then I’ve shown how it would work, using the most fundamental of physical principles, to do so. One doesn’t need a math background to point to a tree and say that it’s a tree.
Hi Actually the words were mine which Prof Strassler was referring to. At 61 myself I thought all my boyhood passions has long since vapourised – but this one keeps coming back like a congenital. Yes a tree is a tree without question in anyones mind.
Yes and even Plank, Newton and Einstein all voiced the same. Intuition and imagination the prime movers in solving problems. One can think of Space as being fluid like but in my mind this does not go far enough for its description. This is what the Victorians thought that it flowed in a particular direction hence the M&M experiment with mirrors etc. Space I think is more likely to flow ( emerge ) in all directions simultaneously hence light is able to transit in any direction thus pointed. And two such sources are able to achieve a coincident plane simultaneously, or reason why 2 protons can move in opposite directions with the same registration. Maybe a field infinitesimal specs which rapidly expand at value C and flow through each other. So movement is thereafter possible in N-S/E-W/ and all the other combinations of compass coordinates.
Recognition of a tree and its classification is relatively easy – but this tree is invisible and undetectable – unless thinking of light and proton behavior. + Numerous other Natural means of information exchange such as gravity etc etc.
If you really believe that Space is constantly emerging ( itself ) then we belong to an exclusive club of wisdom comprising – You, Prof Verlinde Princeton and myself. After his paper was published ( ignoring my essay ) I would have thought one small fraction of the community would have investigated such a concept further. But no – flat on its face – sorry for Prof Verlinde! As for myself I would never be invited to provide a presentation. If using the art skills at the BBC would be quite a programme. I would be very interested to see the work/words you have done in this area – Regards Edward
some professional non crackpots onto the same need – the revaluation of physics ! Maybe return to the study of Natural Sciences and drop the term physics altogether?
It was Richard Feynman who said that if it’s right, you don’t need math, you could just say it. Hmm
Food for thought!
Yes maybe – but how could you defend such a statement in argument with out it? In description & test of repeatable experiment perhaps?
Prof Strassler would say it is just words spoken at a cocktail party for purposes of conversation and amusement.
We know that you cannot move a particle faster than the speed of light, we also know what happens when we attempt it. This outcome is well documented but in absence of any plausible explanation we just accept it. I am proposing an explanation. Which is simply it cannot move into space which has not yet been created.
Hi Edward, It seems to me that the ones who make the greatest strides in physics is the so called crack pots. If one has never been called a crack pot then maybe one is not stepping up.
Yes you could be right Mickey, Galileo is a good example of the greatest crackpot who went against the accepted enforced doctrine and got it right. The humble lab technician Faraday another, whose work was robbed an put in his bosses name at the RIGB (for a while until the truth came out ), and many many other examples in history. But even if Galileo was alive today I do not think he would have access to the LHC and other grand equipment to demonstrate his beliefs, he was fortunate to possess a telescope and tremendous God given ingenuity. And Christopher Columbus the use of a ship to transport his passion!
Thank you for your comforting comment – but alas could get you labelled the same by it! When I advised Epsom computing company that computers could use flat panel monitors they thought I was an idiot a more severe form of crackpot. And the days are fast approaching when even these devices will be superseded once we know how to produce single layer carbon sheets of graphene. Then roll up monitors will appear – like a poster off the wall. And hopefully provide a means to give inventive people a means to invent new detection devices impossible with today’s technology. Prof Strassler did comment to me once that if I have something to offer then I should put mathematics into the argument. He is correct of course. On this I stumble e.g. what is the mathematical difference between Christianity and Islam? How do you translate a belief into pages of numbers? Once and if I can find a way I will surely follow up on his advice.
I hope your own vision will be duly considered and not simply written off without any consideration whatsoever. Every notion born of the mind of man is important even if it is off the mark in reality – as many create a door through which the next man can journey to enlarge the knowledge of mankind.
Kind regards
Hi Matt
My name is Paul Lillington. I am an electrical engineer with a small R&D company working on high efficiency PM motors and Generators.
For the last 20 years, I have had an interest in particle physics and have been following with great interest the LHC experiments. I also have a strong interest in anti-matter . To this end I attended a conferences on anti-matter last year.
I do not have any formal education in physics, but have tried to educate myself by reading papers on particle physics, and following internet discussions on the subject . I have also had discussions with, friends who have formal physics degrees, as well as discussions with physicists at conferences , some of which were working at the LHC. This also helped to educate myself on the subject. I found your site just recently, and have found it very helpful to increase my knowledge on string theory in particular. I am also following with interest the latest results from the LHC. The conformation of the existence of the Higgs field is of particular interest.
It is clear from all the current discussions, that the results from the LHC have thrown a large spanner into (super string theory). I think that this was one the favoured theories to give answers beyond the Standard Model .
It is also clear that it is time to look outside the box ( The current excepted theories of matter ) to try and come up with some other models which can give clues to just what is going on in the world of particle physics. Perhaps these ideas may come from outside the current physics community. That is not to say that we need to throw out the Standard Model or dismiss all the current research. What we need is a different approach. One that is based on reason and logical thinking not just mathematical formula, that seem to give the correct answers. After all, the world we live in is real and the experiments of the LHC show the real world.
We need to go right back to basics and ask such questions as. ?? What is time. ?? What is Charge. ??How can what appear to be solid particles really appear from no-where. ??why does light travel at a fixed speed. ??What is Gravity. ??Why do moving particles have wave like properties. ??Why is it that an electromagnet wave can form a particles, and why is it always 2 particles of opposite charge. ??Is anti-matter really different from matter, apart from opposite charge that is. ??Is there one single field or material that all the particles are made from (?? Higgs Field perhaps )
Some of these questions can already be answered by the Standard Model, but not all.
I know it is a big task , but now is the time to start, while the interest is there and we have, at last some of the tools to work with, (LHC). All that is need are new theories and experiments designed to test them !!!!! .
The world is desperate for a new form of clean energy and I think that this is where it will come from.
Hi Paul,
Interesting statement which caught my eye. Professor Strasslar is most unlikely to be drawn into your enquiry as he tends to focus on particle physics with specific attention on the LHC. You raised many same questions which have plagued me for years. For my penny worth on non specialist physics wisdom, although like you I have indulged myself in this subject, as an antidote to my endless curiosity. ( Electronics background and contributor to the evolution of TFT’s thin film transistors for use in flat panel display tech causing the global redundancy of the crt tech back in 1988 ). I have read and re read Newton – his private life and philosophy. The mind of the man and ( hidden philosophy ) is just as, if not more than interesting then his classical laws. In my thinking these were destroyed in the first decade of the 20C thanks to Einstein’s dominance. But even Einstein was compelled to return to the hidden philosophy of Newton some 12 years later – without success. He later realised that SR and GR were probably flawed ( meaning – insufficiently far reaching and turning up as many paradoxes as mathematical sound expressions) despite how brilliant they were. But he could not extend or change or modify the Relativity work as the World refused to accept any modification to it.
Newton believed that Time and Space are a separate entity which does what it does independent from anything else. He promoted the earlier concept of an Aether which had a great following in the subsequent centuries and one could say finally died in the name of Michelson & Morley with their ill fated famous experiment to prove of the existence of a cosmic wind. Michleson, Morley and Einstein had a long running philosophical dispute – similar one could say to Hawking and Susskind.
Regular Professors tend not to be drawn into our Philosophical concerns – but will promote their own. Because they have a name and or attributed to a university will be published and the press drawn like bees to a pot of honey – even though their ideas may be off the wall just like the common man. Then the public become infected with these ideas even though such ideas may be substantiated by pages and pages of clever mathematics it will continue to remain nothing but an idea. String Theory I believe is the classic example here.
There is not one physicist or common man who can explain the true nature of Nature we just keep digging for smaller and smaller particles as a means to unravel this question. The fact is that we are insufficiently evolved to answer these questions. In previous universes ( I think they are reciprocal ) if an earlier form of living creature had become fully evolved then maybe they may have left us a clever clue remaining somewhere ( like we do by sending out satellites with recordings of the Beatles and Luther King! Etc.
Because Einstein was drawn back into considering the Aether makes me feel in changing his mind that this is a forgotten area to be reconsidered. Further, in putting my own imagination to work I cant help feel that Space and ‘Time zero’ is something which is constantly emerging hence this phenomena is causing the dilution of matter existing in it. A physicist by the name of Eric Verlinde wrote and published a paper back in April 2012 on this idea. Coincidentally with an essay which I published via Amazon at the same time. We both believe that the universe ( cosmos ) is growing bigger not just by a mechanism of simple expansion but by the fact that more of it is being produced from the background energy. I differ from his ideas in that his are based on the ability of Strings. Mine is based upon the ability of background nature of Space with or without Strings attached.
Furthermore, I also intuitively feel that what determines the speed of light is not the ability of a photon to move at the apparent accidental velocity 299,000kms it is determined by the emergence of Space itself. A photon or anything come to that can only move into a space which has already been created or emerging. The emergence just happens to be occurring at this velocity – which determines the velocity of light. When we measure it’s speed we are actually measuring the rate at which New Space is emerging – not the velocity of a photon stream in isolation.
A sort of proof of this is the common observation of a single proton in transit in a cyclotron. We have all known for a long time that if you impart more energy onto it – it only increases its mass and not move any faster. Which is showing us many things but mainly that we can convert energy into mass, and secondly the proton cannot move any faster because it has NO SPACE to move into. One can only skate on the ice rink, no matter how much you try one is unable to skate on tarmac outside the rink.
This may be difficult to imagine. The cyclotron annulus has a constant internal volumetric void where the proton is moving but the Space within it is being constantly produced at the velocity of light hence it cannot move any faster than the rate at which NEW SPACE is being produced in it. To think of it another way: As you read this text on your monitor invisible Space is being produced between the gap void between it and your eyes. It is the emergence of this New Space which enables it to transit to your eyes at value C and for you to receive the information.
Apart from Newton and Einstein the other Great player of course is Max Plank and have you ever asked yourself why does the values of ’C’ and ‘ π’ always feature in the basic most common formulas for Man’s Nature related physics? We have measured the velocity of light many times and continue to do so without really giving any further thought to what are the laws acting on it which determines such velocity.
What really interests me is the Plank formula for absolute shortest length, temp and frequency. All of these are dependent upon the velocity of C in the equations. So if the value of light speed is not self determining it can, could and would have a most severe impact upon the Universe, where should the emergence of Space change by even a small quantum every Atom in it would destroy themselves simultaneously. Why? Because the particles which make up an atom are held together by adhesive frequencies of the so called Standard Model of particles. If this is varied upwards or downwards this sub atomic adhesion is broken and all the atoms shall disintegrate. The result of that catastrophe would initiate a new so called big bang and the universe cease to exist- that is until the emergence of Space could restore itself to the historic value of 299,000kms permitting Max Plank laws which would cause enablement of matter from energy. Hence commence a new Universe and yet another cycle of life where possible and evolution of knowledge and intelligence.
These are only my views and should not be taken too seriously as many regular physicists will criticize me and label me as a crackpot !
Regards Edward – I hope Matt answers your question.
Also I think definition of Dimensions to Paul. According to my off the wall vision we only exist in 1 dimension which is no more than a huge isometric field which is far from static and continues in a phase of emergence. We can define our location in it by virtue of a system of coordinates – Not dimensions. If we are to go back to basics we should perhaps go all the way back to Mr Euclid. His geometry sound but his definition of splitting us up into 3 dimensions could be incorrect. What is a dimension in real terms and a philosophical one? Other than up, down left and right? I cannot help feel this is a rather simplistic definition of what we all now believe a dimension actually is. I think it is more than having the ability to move orthogonal to a reference one to name a new ones! If I was Mother Nature I would laugh at the concept of temporal time and to think of it as another one rather disappointing performance of man to invent it.
Hi Matt!
Great site and I appreciate your sharing your knowledge with the public. I read your entire article on Higgs 2.0 – again great stuff and very well written.
I’m an aviation electronics professional with a deep interest in the big questions facing the scientific community regarding a grand unified theory and in particular, why the universe is accelerating. I actually have a quirky anti-field theory for this phenoninon if you would like to discuss it some day.
Nice write up. Very interesting – I just found it on the net and wanted to check out some new information. We learn something new every day..
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Hi Matthew,
You invite people to ask any dumb questions that they might have about particle physics. Well, I have a few such questions. And I think that this is probably the best place to ask them.
You say in one of your articles that the universe is best seen as “fields and their particles”, the field being the fundamental thing. Now that is an idea that I love, a short, simple description of the entire universe! But Brian Cox, our very own (British) version of Carl Sagan, I’m sure he said that particles create fields and that fields then affect other particles. And I think that he said this was true at the macro level too, say a battery sets up an electric field that in turn creates the current.
So here is my first question:-
1. Well, first can you just confirm that a field is more fundamental than a particle. And my question then is: does this also apply at the macro scale? Am I really just a ripple!?
(Before continuing, I’m wondering if you’ve come across Professor Cox, because on his T.V. shows he has mentioned working at the LHC. He has an interesting Lancastrian accent – Lancashire being quite the place for accents, seemingly every town having a different one. I imagine that variation in accents across a small space has something to do with stability of the population – but I digress!)
O.K., what is the universe about? Well, Descartes talked about the mind and body (the “mind-body problem”). Let us put the mind, spirits, super-natural forces to one side. So the universe is about bodies of matter sitting about the place. And we know that this matter is particulate – the ancient Greek Democritus first came to that conclusion.
Newton stressed forces, perhaps the greatest physics equation being F = ma. And I feel like I know where I stand when it comes to classical mechanics, typically in an elementary physics text-book I – or a body of some sort – am on a slope being subjected to gravity, the normal force, and a frictional force. A world of bodies and forces that try to move bodies – bodies and arrows. Arrows seem solid, seem understandable, so I drew them in diagrams, did calculations, passed my physics A level exams. But I always wondered what really is a force? So here are my second dumb question:-
2. At the macroscopic scale: what is a force? Not defined in terms of what it does (F = ma), but in terms of its mechanism of action. And can its mechanism of action be tallied with the Standard Model? That is the Standard Model says that photons are “force carriers”. So if you have two charged bodies repelling each other, are photons going from one body to the other carrying the forces that push the 2 bodies apart? (Or, if gravitons existed, would they be going from one body to the other?) And if the bodies are moving apart are these force carriers somehow then also imparting energy? Or is energy not really imparted – as a kind of physical thing, but more just a description of the fact that the position of the bodies has changed.
Which brings me to my third dumb question:-
3. What does it mean to say that a photon is a “force particle” or a “force carrier particle”? I think this question might crack open what is really troubling me, which is this: the macroscopic and sub-atomic worlds don’t seem to meet up conceptually. One is a world of bodies and arrows! And the other is a world of only bodies, only particles, which crash into each other. What Newton was talking about when he talked about force, does it match up with the concept of a “force particle”?
Oh, one more dumb question!:-
4. Which concept do you think is the most useful way of seeing the universe, force or energy? Somehow it seems to me, that two things in a diagram is enough! Is it about bodies and forces? Or bodies and energy? It is funny that in a Newtonian world, I like to frame things in terms of forces, but in the sub-atomic world, I think I prefer to frame things in terms of energy. Which is unsatisfying. I want some sense of consistency going from the small to the big.
Thanks for reading my questions and for any answers that you may give me.
Hi Matthew,
Interesting questions and points of view – I also await Prof Strassler response to them. Speaking outside the box maybe we use terms which only describe the action (e.g. your f=ma )and perhaps we need new terms to describe the cause? Maybe the causes are fields behind the force ( e.g. information ), and whilst concentrating on the particle activity so much we are blinkered by some other background cause.
In another example Einsteins’s famous GTR and STR it provides us with equations to predict and measure gravity and action on a body in it– but does not provide any understanding of what causes the affect in the first place. And just maybe are cognition gives too much focus to the so called 3 spatial dimensions and try to fit everything into them? Which in nature we may only have just 1 and not realise it? I am hopeful that in researching particle entanglement phenomena someone will stand up and say “ Hold on” this can only occur if we have only 1 !
Yes, flow is involved, it’s what makes magnets work as per my model, but it’s the characteristics of the particles within the metal that does the trick. I noticed, by the way, that in your explanation you used the flow of water to illustrate your point. I’ve noticed that the flow of of fluid is often used to describe some physical phenomena or other; which fortifies my belief that I’m on the right track. The cosmos shows us over and over that it is a fluid at what ever level one wishes to view it. Be that at the sub-atomic level or the universal level or beyond, I see the same signs.
We appear to have laws of physics which in the main describe the affect of things and not actually the cause. Whereas these are quite sufficient and we use them in full confidence. This includes both Newtons & Einsteins rules and laws. In the torrential river flow the force of course is a relatively easy calculation and we assign it with applicable units so we can understand and visualize the action.
If however the nature of the universe was to operate in reverse presumably if I was standing in the river I would be propelled against the flow like a torpedo up river! Meaning the interaction between particle particle, and all generators would be producing voltage at the opposite poles.
In the case of string theory this it is developing a theory of things which have only a mathematical philosophy and may well be nothing more than a fiction whether the maths suggests not.
I hope the cosmos does prove to be such a fluid but an emerging one. And our universe proved to be nothing more than a cyclic system where 1000’s have preexisted before the current one. And for mankind to generally realise that his history is some 50,000 years not 2013.
Hi Ted, it’s Mick again. Thought I’d clear up a point even though it’s likely to cast me even further out than I may be already. Which is, I see atoms as completely full; no blank spaces or voids at all in them. I think it’s reasonable to, not only see atoms that way, but I believe it may be the same through out the cosmos, at any level or particle size. Again, I think its all dark matter, and all of the other conundrums such as dark flow, dark energy, gravity and magnetism are just different characteristics of it. It’s a little absurd from where I’m standing to see magnets for instance, as little pieces of metal with some, as yet to be understood, force contained within. There is no force in magnets, as described by my model, the force is on the outside of the magnets, and that force is dark matter pushing against these pieces of metal because there is an area of lower pressure between them. I know, I know, the round file is right over there, but I have to call it as I see it.
Hi Mick I am sympathetic to your visualization/philosophy of the atomic and cosmic construct. The problem is ( if there is a problem ), in the world of mutually respecting, data collecting professional physicists their consensus view becomes the dogma and any other ideas will not dilute it. Thinking of Euclid for a moment he gave us concept and applicability of 3D. For myself I believe that in the sub quantum super microscopic world our safety of knowing who we are in the macroscopic world simply does not apply and the problem is we try to make it work in there and we simply cannot get our minds around it – that it may not!
In a way I am not so far away from your thinking but my intuition thinks of it as a uniform single dimension across the entire universe involving all scales. If your ideas are that real to you, you may wish to consider writing them down into and essay / book and self publish as I did. ViXra will publish your paper and you may create a new channel of thinking.
Trying how to understand the truth of the universe someone said it can drive one mad – as it did me ! Particularly March 2012 when my ideas and philosophy felt very real and caused me to spend all my awake hours writing about them and talking to learned people in the hope that they would think about it. Which on the whole they did not!
I wrote 2 essays ‘Absolute Relativity theory of everything’ and ‘Gravity Explained’ and published via amazon. I have sold a few books but alas has not infected or caused any variation to the dogma. Regular Physicists have to stay in the real world ( although I think String theory is outside it )it just feels far too complicated. Even if your philosophy, or mine come to that is correct we will never know but mankind may in the distant future once enough new data has been collected.
For myself I have a glimmer of hope as NASA is putting up another sensor to detect the nature of space. This is not going to happen for another 20 years so I may not be around to know if I am right or wrong. I also have another problem which is I don’t think they will be able to detect my vision of the cosmos by using tools which operate in 3D – similar to the famous Michelson Morley experiment which fuelled the ongoing argument with him and Einstein. Then for Einstein to totally discount Newton’s philosophy where we are today. We have totally forgotten his thinking – that is my impression. Put basically his philosophy was that space exists as it’s own entity including time itself.
p.s. I tried your email a few times but I could not get it to work I think there was a problem/typo with it. Write your paper – study a few on any subject and try to write it in the same style then publish via viXra, it is not peer reviewed but gets your ideas out there. I had mine peer reviewed but did not make any difference as it was rejected. Keep Thinking! Ted
Indeed where would we be without magnets in this world! And why is the apparent force produced around only certain metals or combinations thereof? I prefer to think of it in terms of Information. One cannot stand up in a torrential river with ones back to it, but can with relative ease in a pond. In the first case the flow, rapidity and flow of material ( water atoms ) is imparting information onto our body in this case a rather large ‘rejection’ analogous to the pole of your magnet. And also gravity works in the same way ( In my crackpot thinking ). – Information has the ability to apparently ‘move’ due to the emergence of New Space in one dimension constantly around us. These ideas will get me into a lot of trouble on this site as Matt does not like this kind of discussion, as he prefers discussion only around real things such as real data. ‘Humanae Pedes humi’.
I hear that; I don’t know when I last saw an atom or quark (top, bottom or otherwise) but we’ve seen that as we develop our ability to detect these things, there are always more for us to find. I just can’t find any reason to think that they don’t continue both downward (smaller) and upward (larger) for ever. When I was in my late teens, I think, I was toying with the notion that our planet is in the exact middle of the cosmos,as far as size is concerned, because everything else would be either bigger or smaller than our world. I was just screwing around letting my mind wander. I’ll be damned if Steven Hawking didn’t bring up the very same notion in his book: A brief History of time.
Four Quark finding in China
Hi Red eye, not sure who you’re asking. But as a courtesy I’m responding in the unlikely event that it might be me. I have no understanding of quarks, other than they are the same size as some particles and bigger or smaller than yet others. I bet that sounds a little silly Huh? I certainly don’t mean to belittle your question on quarks or those that study them. Physicists have my respect and admiration, but the study of specific particles just ain’t my deal.
Now, if you would like to discuss the particles that are within the particles that are within quarks, then I’m in. I’m all about the cosmos being an, as yet to be detected, fluid made up of an unlimited range of particle sizes; forever smaller and forever larger (dark matter) and I’m into atoms not being mostly hollow. I believe them to be completely full of all kinds and sizes of as yet to be detected particles that range ever smaller (again dark matter). With those two notions I believe I can make a reasonable argument for how the fundamentals still work to help explain the so called mysteries of the cosmos.
So, regrettably, the four quark finding is probably over my head, but I’m curious if you’d care to elaborate.
One problem with knowing particles the more you look the more you find. Like a infinite Russian doll, then when we ( if we ever get to the last one we will find it empty and most probably existing only in 1 dimension. Then what do we do? However if they have found the 4th quark to many this will be intensely interesting and will be discussed to distruction. Are atoms hollow? Or relatively hollow? The sub quantum microscopic world is difficult to see let alone visualise.
what about the 4 quark finding from China?
Hello Mr Johnson, I’ve decided to publish my manuscript on my new blog and you should find it there by clicking on: thecontinuum10, just above.
Regards Mick
Hi Mickey
Thanks for your email – I could not respond as my message was returned from you server email address
Kind regards
Hi again Mr. Johnson, the matter that I raised with Prof Strassler is available in only one place. Amazon Kindle books where I have a small 35 page manuscript discussing, in more detail, those things that I mentioned above. It would cost you $2.99, but I’m not sure that I would recommend it. It’s rather laced with negative editorializing and reveals my frustration with the conclusions, notions and opinions that too many in the physics world are pondering these days.
Instead, if the Prof thinks it’s acceptable, I will make it available (less most of the editorializing) on my brand new, but currently empty blog, and it won’t cost you a dime.
Hi and thanks again. I would like to know more about this subject area and research topic. I would also welcome news about your blog – this alley has a bite which I felt around 2 years ago – and it won’t let me go !! I also wrote a very short book called ‘gravity explained’. Not and extension of Prof Verlinde idea but rather uncanny that we should be shooting in the same direction. In my non professiorial opinion if space is constantly emerging then this mechanism should ? provide a means for everything to communicate information with or without strings attached!
Kind regards
Hi Edward, Congratulations on your new publication. There has not been much of a discussion so far. The professor has answered my first question and I then worked up the nerve to go farther and post my last remarks. This is all very new to me. I’ve pretty much kept to myself on these matters for the last fifty-seven years, give or take, and so, I’m a brand new student of physics, so far as listening and learning from others, such as yourself is concerned. What that really means is I don’t understand one in three words that people post and or otherwise discuss here and elsewhere.
So far as “space itself constantly emerging” is concerned, I think it is, but just not everywhere at once. In some places it may be in near balance or in stasis (if you will), and in others it might be going the other way, and this activity is not just limited to our universe but is occurring through-out the cosmos.
Respectfully I don’t understand time. To me it’s man made, and just a measuring stick of different scales (seconds, hours, years, millennia) that helps us to measure change as it occurs around us.
Good luck with you book. I hope for all of our sake that it answers more questions than it creates.
Hi Thanks for your reply,
Where can I find reference to the subject matter you raised with Prof Strassler?
Kind regards
Thank you, professor for your informative and reassuring response to my question dated: May 18th. It was very helpful. What I’ve heard so far, via TV and you tube, has been pretty one sided. The theory of matter spontaneously emerging from a void, even though it came from physicists that I both respect and admire, had caused me to worry for the future of science just a little bit, and motivated me to begin to consider these kinds of things on my own.
Through a series of concepts I have developed, what in science might be considered a model. It shows how the cosmos would work if it were an as yet to be detected fluid. One hint among many of the existence of a cosmological fluid might be the Higgs field. Prof of its existence though, lies within dark matter, dark flow, dark energy, magnetism and gravity. I explain how these phenomena, are collectively, just different characteristics of this same fluid. I did a pretty fair job of it, for a retired house painter, but now it won’t leave me alone (haunting me might be a slight over statement, but not by much), and if I ever want to get any peace I guess I need to get it resolved. I have been buoyed these last few years by this series of epiphanies, but now find I may need someone to help talk me down.
My model does not alter the hard won findings or change their numbers. Instead I’ve simply reinterpreted the accepted understanding of those things. Plus, I further employed this same reason and logic to fill in some very large blanks; making my model whole and seemingly functional.
By turning the great mysteries into great questions I gave myself permission to think of these things in a logical and down to earth way. If nothing else, my ideas may show how the fundamentals aren’t dead and no longer effective as useful tools to investigate the cosmos; an opinion that I heard one charismatic and highly influential theorist state. Or…it might simply show how breathing large quantities of paint fumes over a long period of time will…well, you know.
If you or anyone else reading this might wish to study my views, I’ll be glad to make them available, with your permission, of course. It’s about 25 pages.
Thanks again Mick
Hi I have not been following your discussion: Does matter emerge from a void or not? What is the current thinking? … My interest is that I have published a book May 2012, which posits this concept based on the principle that space itself is constantly emerging. And coincidentally parallel to Prof Verlinke concept that it is bound to String activity – although we differ with that vision. Mine is centered around the idea that space has a unity dimension ( The God dimension ), then when matter is formed we accidentally have the ability of the Euclidian 3D, where temporal time is not really on stage to have any relevant bearing and only provides a yardstick for mans imagination and his displacement in them. As for ‘time’ dilation and length contraction these phenomena are relativity easy to comprehend and describe when imagining all background activity against a unity dimension.
I think there is not dark matter http://t.co/DhiB9Zxp [t.co]
Opinions, on subjects for which there is very strong but not yet conclusive evidence, are free, and worth the price.
Scaring my 7yo the other day with the prospect that we might be living in a false vacuum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum), I was unable to adequately answer when he asked what the end would be like. I said we’d be wiped out effectively instantaneously, though I secretly wondered if it might actually be a little more drawn-out — preluded, perhaps, by a blast of radiation. Any comments on this ridiculous speculation? I promise not to hold you accountable for the nightmares (his, or mine). Thanks.
Instantaneous. No warning.
But un-scare your 7 year old by telling him that it is much more likely that he’ll die at the age of 79 of cancer or heart disease.
Hi Matt,
Speaking of questions, would you have the time to share your views on Lee Smolin’s work regarding time? Thanks. I love this blog!
I am afraid I don’t understand Smolin’s work on this particular subject.
How did science come to the conclusion that matter in the cosmos emerged from nothing? What findings or arguments were so compelling that they lead science to embrace this seemingly unscientific bed partner? Could you refer me to information that will help me to understand that, or maybe you or someone here could explain it? Regrettably, because of my highly low education, an explanation may need to be somewhat basic.
Thank you for the opportunity to ask this question. Regards Mick
“Science”, as a collective enterprise, has not come to that conclusion. Certain scientists have come to conclusions of this type, or at least proposed this as a possibility, but that is their personal opinion, which is not backed up with data. The notion has not been tested experimentally, and as such represents a scientific speculation, not a scientific conclusion.
I am among many scientists who don’t share this opinion; I myself don’t have an opinion on where the cosmos, or the matter in it, came from.
I mean the measurement of chaos in the universe.
Im sorry?
I have been researching on the idea that time is an illusion created by entropy. What are your thoughts on this?
What do you mean by entropy in this hypothesis?
Very, very good site. Definitely one of the best! !!! You rule professor Matt! !!!
I’ve just now discovered these very useful pages. I teach math and phys in a scientific highschool in Sardinia (Italy). If “light is God’s shadow”, your pages are beautiful lightnings. Thank you!
The use and interpretation of p-values in relation to the Higgs data have often been criticized–erroneously, in my judgment. I attempt to shed light on the problem in my blogpost today. Comments are very welcome.
Professor Strassler: As a philosopher of science, statistics and experiment, I have long been trying to develop an account that makes sense of the roles of formal statistical inference in substantive experiments. i wish I had been aware of your excellent blog earlier! I will refer to it now on my site (error statistics.com)!
Thank you. You might want to become familiar with some of the experts inside the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, who are indeed very sophisticated. I can refer you to the work of Feldman and Cousins, of Alex Reed, of Eilam Gross, and others. Many things about discoveries with small numbers of signal events and large numbers of background events are still being learned, even now.
I’d be very interested to read them! Thank you.
What do you think of superluminal orbiting particles inside atomic nuclei and inside electrons? Do you know the source data on the increase in mass with velocity? (hint Kaufmann type experiments beginning in1901). Could this be due to a decrease in the rate of increase of the magnetic quality of moving electrons instead of an increase in mass? If so, then the exchange forces of particle physics could be explained less abstractly in terms of electric forces between charged particles of very small mass(10^-55kg.) and comparably small volume.
The write-up provides proven necessary to me personally.
It’s really informative and you are certainly quite educated in this area.
You get popped my sight to varying thoughts about this particular subject together with intriguing and strong content.
“I think you had better settle the philosophical issue first. Do you indeed have a logically consistent question? i.e., when you say things like “B exists before we get there”, what does it mean to “get there”? We are `already’ there, if B exists — because (by your initial assumption) we exist at time B, in order that we can get the result of the experiment.
I think what you need to think about is what a “worldline” is. This is the path through time and space taken by an observer, or by any object, that is localized in space but non-localized in time, so that it appears (from our point of view) as an ordinary object. Your worldline intersects A and B; if B exists, then your worldline already existst there; if B does not exist, then your worldline does not exist there either, but will exist there once B exists.”
But supposing on this worldline there are no divisable points? like a isometric homogenous film with a construct of uniform time points, and we can move anywhere on it and aware of relocation but we don’t know how far away we are from the origin after that movement?, How could we measure 1mm or 1 light year?
Dear Professor Strassler,
The field of physics is very interesting, and as science progresses everything seems to be interconnected. Biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and even sociology come from our ability to reason and deduce logically solutions to the observed events that surround us. Since everything that we understand goes beyond just one person’s understanding because there is a limit to the intelligence of the one, we compensate as a race by our long term memory and cooperation (in essence being a superorganism which is our emergent property). Where this stops short, computers with simulation and calculation abilities and eventually, superior intelligence will enable us to understand even more beyond the one person. I expect that the next step would probably be that we integrate with the artificial, or to enhance ourselves genetically. Or do you think that the one (every person) shouldn’t know all our knowledge? We might be going too fast for evolution, and might not be able to keep up otherwise in the near future. Going back is to a more primitive lifestyle is not an option if we are to survive. As we are able now to defend ourselves from the lightning, extreme cold, starvation in the desert, we will have to be able to defend ourselves from asteroids, disease, supernova explosions, rogue planets entering the sol system and more complicated problems. I guess this really isn’t a question or it’s a really big one.
Best regards
Exactly! I mean, our worldline intersects A and B and we’re not aware of them until our awareness is at those points, but that doesn’t have to mean they don’t exist until we are aware of them. Right? No?
Hi Sam – your response to Matt here I think? Physicists I understand can view the entire world connected with a single continuous string (1D points ) – a rather long one! Lots of people could and are at different points and account for the our world at those 1D places. I you have Superman magnifying glass your vision of the world would be quite different ( I am sure? ). Should you point it at the ground the ‘Time’ existing at all the sub atomic 1D points would be the same everywhere! At least that is my sense of reality on it. So, if you were standing on 1D point ref 4456.89C for example the Time would be exactly the same for another person at ref 119556.0002Z. Then in passing from your reference point to the second the other side of the world you would be passing through ‘0’ units of Time. Matt please feel free to right this of as nonsense. You depart with a ‘0’ Time reference, then pass through a framework of ‘0’ units of Time and arrive 2nd reference point with Time also at ‘0’. This is why I think Time is master, and we only enjoy Minkowski’s temporal time as we move amongst matter ( apparently ) large solid bodies the ‘conglomeration of frozen energy’ without a magnifying glass. Another way of thinking of it: 2 rockets flying toward each other at opposite sides of the universe at light speed ( assuming value of C is the same at both polar faces – even if not, the result would be the same or 1 would be recording time going backwards = ( – 0 ). The Temporal Time will be ‘0’ units = Absolute Constant Time for both pilots. They could re try this experiment for all their lives in different parts of the universe and still read Zero Time in all places tested. Which infers ( to me at least ) that time is symmetrical with a fixed unitary value. Which then infers we enjoy existence with 2 entities of time = 1 fixed and constant the other variable temporal time thanks to the presence of matter existing in a framework of Constant time. Oh la la probably got myself into a lot of trouble on this one….
Sorry Matt. It’s hard to know how to put this. I’ll try again. Let’s say we start an experiment at time A and get the result at time B. Now, like any kind of line, there is a large number of points along that line, and we are sequentially exposed to them in tiny slices of time we call the present. It is as if these points pop into existence, because either they, or we, have moved from the future into the present, for that tiny duration of the present, and then pop out of existence because either they or we have moved from the present to the past. (looking over what I just wrote, it reminds me of those virtual pairs that come into the conversation when discussing Hawking radiation. but I’m not talking about that)
I guess I can further refine the question, in the light of the above example, to be this: Does A and B exist only when our “present” intersects with those points? Not just from a philosophical perspective, but from a scientific perspective. Can we design an experiment that shows that once we have A, B exists before we get there, and would in fact exist whether or not we got there at all?
I think you had better settle the philosophical issue first. Do you indeed have a logically consistent question? i.e., when you say things like “B exists before we get there”, what does it mean to “get there”? We are `already’ there, if B exists — because (by your initial assumption) we exist at time B, in order that we can get the result of the experiment.
I think what you need to think about is what a “worldline” is. This is the path through time and space taken by an observer, or by any object, that is localized in space but non-localized in time, so that it appears (from our point of view) as an ordinary object. Your worldline intersects A and B; if B exists, then your worldline already existst there; if B does not exist, then your worldline does not exist there either, but will exist there once B exists.
Matt can you make a comparison with Fermilab and LHC? With reference to data collected? You quoted the LHC data so how does this compare with the historic Fermilab performance? How do we know if it is better, parity or worse?
Also Matt – Sam made me think of Hawking’s black hole entropy….IF, black holes are diminishing by loss of thermal energy – then, IF this is true then black holes are shimmering very slightly. Can you confirm that any such data has been observed/collected? IF not shimmering then it is not enjoying an entropy suggested or we simply cannot detect it? Which one is it?
error: ‘American Constitution’ – not convention but similar thing really.
Hi Matt. Great articles!!! I’m afraid I’m hooked on your blog–as if I needed another habit…
So, let me reframe my original question: We perceive reality in the context of an “arrow of time”, and so many of our experiments are constructed with that included as part of the experiment. That is, we set up initial conditions in order to validate a hypothesis, run the experiment (the cause that generates the outcome), and then measure the outcome (the effect). Do particles have to behave in accordance with a past, present, and future? Or, closer to the point, can we construct experiments without the time component in them? Or, probably my main concern, are we missing things in the study of reality because our perception is constrained to an arrow of time?
Sam Hawk
You are thinking outside the box – more please…..>
Yes man thinks in conventions – like a coat hook for your hat, a cold tap for cold water etc etc. People who advance science find a different perspective and create a NEW set of conventions. Many names – starting with Euclid/ Newton/ Einstein – Galileo etc. If their intuition was alive and kicking today – maybe, and all the other greats would be steering us in a totally different direction?
Don’t forget to separate out metaphysics, science fiction and theoretical physics tho’. But very often the dividing line is indivisible such as complete madness and genius!
In the words of the American convention if you see something is wrong – You have the right to do something about it!
Your mind is on Time! Well done – in my madness it is the ‘Master of Everything,’ and there is not much of it! As it exists as a symmetry except where matter exists and hence Einstein’s correct conventions – but we continue treat time in the same way as the Scots treat the English – they pretend they don’t exist! But they won’t go away in the pretending!
I don’t think I know how to answer your question. Certainly the way we perceive the world limits what we can study in all sorts of ways. But in any experiment, there is, by its very definition, a time when you do not know the result of the experiment, and a later time when you do. What would an “experiment without time” mean? How would you run one? You can say the words, but do they actually have meaning?
Hi Matt, Do you know anything about JJ’s josephson junctions? i am thinking of building an array and using the same electrical addressing techniques as flat panel display tech. ( i was in involved with the early research of these devices in the 1980’s). I wish is to construct a large magnetographic device. The JJ array detect the micro tesla and convert this into a video by coupling with flat panels to present real time visible information of what is happening ( detection ). I will be conducting a paper search later. Do you have any insights to offer? thanks
nope — sorry. Out of my league.
Ok no problem thanks anyway – will have to go on a paper hunt…
Hi ewj9
My post 04/08/18 should help – with the method I use for the Constants
I have The Planck Series, the J.J.Junctions and Zero Point Energy
in their Fractal Harmonic format and show how they relate in the Link
As you said this leads us to the deepest problems of all physics.
– I think this new level maybe in my work https://we.tl/XfpwjOPLpH
I would love your critique
Ok. For some scary reason, you’re making perfect sense to me. I was under the impression that the photon only passed through one slit at a time. As to the part about only one atom will absorb the photon, well, that makes sense if you think of a photon as a finite packet of energy, and atoms only absorb energy (at least in their electron shells, right?) in finite packets. So, once an atom eats the photon, there is none left for the others. Right?
That is correct.
But a reminder that it is subtle in this sense, however; if you observe the photon passing through one of the slits then you will change what the photon is doing and you will lose the interference pattern.
Now, recently it has become yet more subtle than that, as I mentioned, due to the notion of “weak measurement”, which I still don’t understand well enough to explain to you properly — and which is still controversial in terms of its interpretation. http://phys.org/news/2011-06-quantum-physics-photons-two-slit-interferometer.html So you should treat what I have told you as the standard interpretation, and you must understand that current debates about whether the standard interpretation are correct remain open. Perhaps our understanding of these issues will shift over time.
You might find it useful — I get the impression you have the background — to read my articles on Fields and Particles (with math). http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/fields-and-their-particles-with-math/ It only requires 1st-semester freshman-level physics and some calculus. This will perhaps give you a little more insight into where the packet-ness of photons is coming from, and tie it together with your understanding of the atoms absorbing energy in finite packets.
“zero-point energy at some point later… because it will lead us to some of the deepest problems in all of physics.”
Hi Matt did you follow up on this ? do you have a link for me to follow on this?
Q. If the zero point field is the lowest energy state – Why is helium a perfect liquid at – 273C? Where its atoms are perfectly happing vibrating to cause it to remain a liquid?
Does this not indicate in fact, it is not the zero point field and a lower hypothetical level is possible? In fact the lowest state possible is the entire dissolution of its entire atoms?
I am aware Plank uses the V of ‘C’ in his expression. If one could hypothetically change the value of <‘C’ then surely the ZPF would follow down accordingly?
Hypothetically if we continue to adjust the values of C downwards at what point would the cohesion of the atoms fail? Is that known? E.g. The sub quantum material in atoms have the ability to stick ( attract ) each other due to ‘energy – vibration’ ability. If that changes then surely they lose that cohesion at some point?
I know everything hangs onto the concept, constant value of C. It has a current value. But who is to say it was at variance in history – or indeed the future? Then hence the ability to create or dissociate atoms in the first place? I would be grateful for your insight.
Well, I hadn’t got to the particle aspect yet. I was thinking about this in terms of “wave trains”. I was an electronics tech in my youth and tend to grapple with these musings by equating light to beams of sine waves. I did a quick scan of the article you referenced on diffraction. I’m going to have a very good time digesting it all. Thanks for that. In the meantime, am I to assume that when a photon meets the target with 2 slits in it, it acts like a wave front? If so, then it’s easy to see how it interferes with itself. If, on the other hand, it only goes through one slit or the other but not both, then I’m lost again =) As I understand the term, interference refers to the phase relationship between two waves. Where the waves add, the result is a higher amplitude. Where they subtract, the result is a lower amplitude. So, if you have only one wave propagating through space, there is nothing to add to or subtract from. Right? No? I need an aspirin…
One correction to your statement: “Interference refers to the phase relationship between two waves”. That’s not correct as stated. Interference can refer to the phase relationship between two parts of a single wave. Consider the interference pattern generated when a wave comes in and reflects off a wall; as the incoming and reflected parts of the single wave pass through each other, they will create high peaks and valleys and dead spots. http://www.freespeakerplans.com/component/kunena/41-pa-for-dummies/16956-sound-wave-reflections?Itemid=0 This is a basic issue in acoustics.
Given that you have the electronics background: yes, a photon moving in the x direction that was created a while back in time and far away in space is typically well described as a sine wave, sine( x/λ ) at a given moment in time, where λ is its wavelength, over some region. The height of the troughs tails off in front and in back. And it is spread out perpendicular to its direction of motion; the troughs are initially constant in the y and z direction, as in the figure I referred you to in my reply to your earlier comment.
After the wave reaches the wall with the two slits, it passes through both slits, just as any wave can. In this limited sense the photon goes through both slits; it is an object that can do that. And it interferes with itself with mathematical equations that are essentially identical to those which describe the self-interfering wave train shown in that figure from the earlier comment.
What is crucial in understanding the particle-like behavior of photons in experiments is that when photons interact with atoms, they do so one at a time. A photon cannot be absorbed by a million atoms at once, with each atom getting a little of the photon; that violates principles of quantum mechanics. Instead this wave-like thing (the photon) can only be absorbed by a single atom; and since atoms are small, that forces the photon to become localized in a small region, in which case it behaves in a more particle-like way. The probability of a given atom absorbing the photon is related to the photon’s self-interference pattern.
If you try to visualize this, you will fail. If you tried to shine light or some other detecting device on this process, you’ll change the process. Seeing — visualizing — requires observing light (or other particles) that are an active part of the process in quantum mechanics. (That said, there are subtleties in that statement that have recently been demonstrated; and since I myself don’t fully understand them yet, I can’t give you precisely the right statement — it’s on my to-do list.) What you can do, armed with quantum mechanics, is *calculate* that this absorption by one atom is what happens; you can’t calculate which atom will do the absorbing, but you can calculate that only one of the many atoms on which the photon is impinging will do the absorbing.
It helps a lot. I think. As soon as I get my head around the notion that the particle interferes with itself. Are we talking about probability waves here? I mean, I’ve never seen a wave interfere with itself but I’ve seen waves interfere with each other. When one says “wave”, one must be certain to pick the right one I guess. It just seemed simpler to me to assume that waves are the same no matter what medium they exist in, and so if we design an experiment that supposedly prevents the photons from affecting one another by separating them in time, and the interference pattern still shows up, then maybe the assumed separation isn’t there. Maybe we’re only assuming they’re separated because that is how our minds work. Does that make sense?
There are several aspects to this.
First: the term “wave”. This requires care with language, and I should have been more careful to start with. In colloquial English, a “wave” at the beach is a single crest. But a wave for a physicist is a set of crests and troughs; it is what you might colloquially call a “wave train”. And you *have* seen wave trains interfere with themselves; if you did the double slit experiment with a wave that had just a few crests and troughs, you’d easily see the interference pattern. See the photograph in section 32.1, http://www.lightandmatter.com/html_books/lm/ch32/ch32.html
Second: there’s no need to pick the “right” wave. A photon is a somewhat localized set of crests and troughs in a wave within the electric and magnetic fields. You can arrange that only one is emitted at a time, with many seconds, minutes or hours between one and the next.
Third: the interference pattern (as in the photograph in the html book linked above) contains places where there are ZEROES — wave interference in a double slit context causes regions where the probability of absorption is zero. One powerful bit of evidence that the photon interferes with itself is that you will never see a single photon appear there — no matter how many photons you choose to send at the screen, including just one. So the interference can’t have anything to do with other photons.
There are many other ways to check that the interference does not have to do with other photons. There are similar experiments that can be done with electrons that have similar outcomes. What we call “particles” are certainly wave-like enough to self-interfere in appropriate situations. Indeed, you can argue that all of atomic and molecular structure — all of those things called “orbitals” — depends upon this fact.
p.s. don’t expect to fully wrap your head around the idea that a “particle” interferes with itself. You won’t even start until you drop the idea that a photon is like a little grain of sand. It’s not. It sometimes behaves like one but ONLY when it is forced to by interacting with something small, like an atom in a screen. And how it manages to do this is not something anyone can fully wrap their head around; it’s still a subject of consideration by physicists and philosophers.
Hello professor Matt, thank you for taking the time to read and answer our questions. I don’t have a profound knowledge about this, I’m just a curious person trying to understand our world. My question is, if we imagine the photon as a fast-rotating grain of sand (not a wave), wouldn´t that produce the same interference pattern in the double slit experiment? I think the small rotating grains would bounce in random directions when interacting with the material around the slits. (This wouldn’t happen if they were just not-rotating grains) Is it possible that photons are rotating particles and not waves?
Thank you.
Is your answer consistent with a Everett interpretation of the two–slit experiment?
This is reply to MS not Sebastian. Sorry for the misplacement.
I have found Feynman’s 1964 Cornell University lecture on quantum mechanics to be helpful in that he warns not to try to understand the observed phenomena by analogy with familiar concepts, but instead to simply accept the fact that careful experiments show that nature does truly behave in this manner, and to reason starting from that axiom.
The article at the link below contains links to videos of all seven lectures in that series. The lecture I refer to is lecture # 6.
Well, my understanding of the experiment is if you send one photon at a time at a target that has two slits in it, an interference pattern will build up on the screen behind the target if you send enough photons. Is this not correct?
That’s correct. But it’s not happening because the different photons are interfering with one another. Each photon interferes with itself. A photon is in many ways more wave than particle; when it is absorbed on the screen, it is absorbed as a unit, by a single atom on the screen, as though it were a particle, but its properties while it propagates undisturbed are more wavelike. That’s what allows it to interfere with itself, setting up an interference pattern that determines where on the screen it is most likely to be absorbed: some areas are high probability for absorption, others are low probability.
When you do this with many photons (no matter how long you take between one photon and the next) the pattern of absorptions that you observe shows you where the high- and low-probability areas are — but the probability applies to each photon separately.
The only reason you need many photons is the same reason you need to roll many dice to prove that the probability of landing a 3, when you roll a single die, is 1/6; if you just roll one die once, you can’t learn anything about probability.
Does this help clarify? It’s bizarre, but it’s also true.
I should add there are contexts in which different photons *do* interfere with one another. This just doesn’t happen to be one of them.
Hi Matt,
I am a layman out here among the masses that is losing sleep trying to understand a concept. If you have the time to help me, I (and my poor wife) would really appreciate it.
The trouble is over the famous 2 slit experiment in quantum physics. Specifically, the part about shooting one photon at a time at the slits and eventually building up an interference pattern.
So my issue is this: We humans perceive reality in the context of the “arrow of time”, but does that mean that photons, or anything else, should be under the same constraint? If you fire, say, 1 million photons to build up that pattern, and take the element of time out of it, aren’t the photons free to interfere with each other, while our awareness of that interference wouldn’t be complete until we got to the end of the experiment?
I know I must be missing something very fundamental—a result of my lack of formal training, no doubt—but I haven’t seen this aspect of the experiment discussed. Can you help me please?
Very best regards,
Sam Hawk
You *are* asking a very subtle question… nothing simple about it. And on top of that, you’re not yet asking it in a clear enough way that I can understand precisely what you mean or how to answer you in a language that you’ll recognize. So let’s explore. Let’s take two photons at a time. If I send two photons through the slit, one at 12:01 AM and another at 12:02 AM, are you worried about whether they can interfere with each other? They won’t, but no one’s told you why, probably.
At Last!!! Now I can get to the bottom of a few mysteries =) Thanks for being there Matt.
Respected Prof,
It is indeed privilege to post a question to you directly. If fortunate enough, (me) expect to receive a considered reply.
Of late a simple question is bothering me a lot !!
Given :
When two bodies collide Kinetic Energy is exchanged. Total Momentum is conserved.
Question ?
1) How does the body retain the Kinetic Energy.
( we know how the Heat is retained)
Remarks :
More Kinetic Energy (equals more velocity).
Surely, some change has taken place.
Is this change within the body B ?
The change that has enabled the body B to negotiate the space more efficiently (faster).
Or this change has something to do with the space property ?
or this change has to do with the body and space both ?
Say we fire a bullet. The bullet has two motions.
a) forward
b) spiraling around its forward motion (Y – axis)
c) the bullet strikes a thin wire. It acquires another motion (z-axis) as well.
To make it simple – the question is ?
How does the body retains the ‘Memory’ of motion (on all 3-axes).
the question is :
How does this memory is transferred to new body on collision ( in what form, from where to where (mass to mass, of course)
From where it is released.Where it is received. And where it is then retained ?
As a UK based teacher of both Religion and Science, your blog is a particularly interesting and useful find. Will be checking back here regularly.
The theorem that guarantees that all particles have anti-particles also guarantees that particles and their anti-particles have exactly the same mass and exactly the same gravitational effects — not opposite ones. Sorry! And some particles — including photons, gravitons and the Higgs itself — are their *own* anti-particles. So I am afraid an anti-Higgs is a Higgs!
p.s. the Higgs does NOT give mass literally to everything that has a mass: see http://profmattstrassler.com/2012/10/15/why-the-higgs-and-gravity-are-unrelated/
Hi Matt:
Thanks for your really wonderful site. It’s such a smorgasbord of information that I look forward to reading your articles, with my moring coffee. I have been keenly interested in particle physics since the early-mid 80s when the popular press was talking about the W’s and Z zero, and have read many books on the subject since then, mostly non-technical, and aimed at a general audience.
I just put up two posts on your Higgs article, which I wish I didn’t, since after sending it I realized I knew the answers, which Kuduzo kindly provided. It was late and I was sleepy. I’ll refrain in the future from posting unless I really don’t know the answer as I’m sure you are extremely busy.
You mean more serious than defending your statement above regarding the silliness and stupidity of other people and ideas? People may think you say such things lightly after all.
Dear Prof. Strassler
I wrote the blog that claimed that the standard model doesn’t have any solid explanation why the top mesons do not appear in the data. My answers to your scientific arguments were published today in my blog. You are kindly invited to respond here or there. In case you write your answer in my blog – please use appropriate language.
I was busy during the last 3 weeks (a chess puzzle conference in Japan). Only now I found some time to answer.
Ofer Comay
I appreciate your invitation, but I have more serious things to do.
My mailbox has a “notify follow-up” from here, about a comment from Eli Comay that directs to this place – but nothing to be found? He (Comay) states that his comment has been blocked (but I see it in my mailbox). A technical issue with this blog?
Hello Matt,
Just came across your blog, and I am intrigued by your comment to Mr. Larsen above, where you write that the “missing” t-tbar meson is not a failure of the Standard Model, but is actually a success. If I understand correctly, SM predicts that the top quark lifetime is 10^(-24), which is up to an order of magnitude shorter than the time it takes to form a meson (between 10^(-23) and 10^(-24)). However, in the blog Mr. Larsen refers to it is claimed that according to basic principles of quantum physics the “short lifetime of the top quark does not cancel completely the possibility of creating a top meson, but rather reduces the probability of such an event”.
Is this last argument valid? It occurred to me that if it is indeed so, then possibly one can calculate that probability and see if it is in agreement with the recent LHC findings.
What’s your take on it?
So, (1) a Higgs may decay through a pair of t-tbar, but (2) there is not such thing as a t-tbar-meson that decays through/as a pair of t-tbar.
I understand that SM predicts this, but an experiment may falsify a proper theory.
How is this (experimentally) comfirmed or supported? How is (1) distinguished from (2) by experiment?
1) The Higgs does not decay through a t tbar pair, it is too lightweight to do so. To decay to a t tbar pair it would need a mass of 350 GeV or so; it has a mass of only 125 GeV.
2) The fact that a top quark decays to bottom quark + a W boson (as observed experimentally), and can be produced singly, in ways that agree to high precision with the Standard Model, puts an upper bound on the top quark’s lifetimes. Adding new forces CANNOT make the top quark lifetime longer than predicted by the Standard Model — it can only make it shorter. Meanwhile top quark pairs are produced with the expected rate at the Tevatron and the LHC. Large new forces that could create t tbar mesons would dramatically affect the production rates. There are theorems about this kind of thing; you would have to violate principles of quantum field theory if you want to get around them, but then you have a huge problem to explain why the Standard Model is doing such a good job of predicting how the top quark (and its partner the bottom quark) behave.
3) Top quark mesons of various sorts were studied actively in the years before the top quark was discovered to be so heavy. Their properties are well-predicted. We don’t see them in data. They’re not there.
I wonder if you (or someone here) could clarify why Comays idea, that the “higgs-signal” is nothing but at t-tbar decay with no further precursor, must be wrong. (Comays idea can be found here: http://nohiggs.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/elementary-my-dear-w/)
Because we understand the top quark very well now.
The article you cite begins: “One of the flaws of the standard model is its inability to explain the missing top quark mesons in the PDG tables. These mesons, which consist of a top quark and another antiquark, should have shown up in the experiments which were able to create the top quark, but were not observed. Where are they? Why have they never been found?”
That is completely silly remark written by someone who wants to sell you snake oil. The reason that there are no top quark mesons IS explained by the Standard Model (and in fact was well known over twenty-five years ago, when I was writing my first particle physics paper on nothing other than top/anti-top mesons.) The point is that — as the Standard Model predicts — the top quark lifetime is so short that top quarks decay before they can form mesons. It takes about 10^(-[23-24]) seconds to form a meson, and for a top quark of 175 GeV, the top quark lifetime is about 10^(-24) seconds — too short.
Again, it is a prediction of the Standard Model that top quarks of 175 GeV should live too short a time to form mesons. So the absence of top quark mesons in data is a success of the Standard Model, not a failure.
You can guess what I think of the rest of the article. In particular, if the top quark had such strong forces acting on it that it could form the W and Z and Higgs by binding to other quarks, then many other things about the top quark — including the rate at which it is produced at the Tevatron and the LHC — would have been way off from the Standard Model prediction. In fact, they agree with the Standard Model at the 10% level.
So the whole business about Comay, and the whole article whose link you provided, are worse than silly. They’re actually stupid (and I don’t say that lightly.).
Dear Prof. Strassler,
You have recently published on this blog your negative opinion on one of my physical ideas (see above your Reply dated September 24, 2012 to a Comment of Jan Emil Larsen). In so doing, you have defined this blog as a suitable place for a discussion of that idea. More than a week ago I posted to your blog a short comment explaining my point of view. This Comment addresses your objection and clarifies the subject under discussion. As of today my Comment is still in the ‘awaiting moderation’ status and it cannot be seen by your readers.
Since my Comment is legitimate, sound and written in a scientific style, I wonder why your readers still cannot read it. We all agree that an open and knowledgeable discussion of physical ideas can only improve our understanding of the physical world. Therefore, I hope that you will soon share with your readers both my post and your response to it. For this reason I kindly ask you to remove the ‘awaiting moderation’ status off my Comment and enable your readers to read my point of view.
Eli Comay
Hello Matt. I recently found this blog through a link someone posted in a Slashdot comment. It is something I have been seeking for many years. I studied physics as an undergraduate, before I realized that my talent for math was just not good enough for a career there. I’ve been a software developer for many years, but always maintained a strong interest in physical theory. Your blog provides exactly the sort of serious treatment that is accessible to non-experts which I find most valuable. Thank you for your efforts to inform people like me.
Sorry, I meant sci-ence.org, not xkcd.
Hello there, I just discovered your blog, care of xkcd.com
This is totally awesome and is definitely going on my reading list. Keep up the good work!
Dear Professor Strassler,
I hope this comment and question are in the appropriate place on your site.
Firstly, I want to thank you for making the effort to get these wonderful essays and clips up so we can read and hear them. I for one am an amateur fan of physics, and it is really a delight to discover a way of learning that is not too difficult to follow, but which adds genuine insight when I read it. I don’t know any other non-physicist physics enthusiast in my personal life, but I guess over the world we are millions, and I’m sure I speak for all those strangers when I tell you how much we appreciate your gift to us.
Now, I have a question, which besides being possibly dumb (which I understand is allowed), might belong more in the realm of speculative and alternative science, which doesn’t seem to be a particular priority of yours. But in any case, this is my question:
Could it be possible that rather than that the universe is expanding, mass-bearing matter in the universe is shrinking? For example, perhaps, by emitting “space” at a constant rate?
The reason I ask, is that if so, the acceleration of the expansion would be easily explained, as the constant loss of volume to atoms would represent an ever-increasing proportion of the diminishing volume of those atoms over time.
This may belong more to the astronomic-scale physics than to your main focus, but if considered, there would be ramifications for particle studies too. For example, the speed of non-mass bearing particle, such as neutrinos (?), would appear to increase, as macroscopic bodies shrank, if that does in fact turn out to be an issue.
Thanks for any comments,
Scott Colmes
“Could it be possible that rather than that the universe is expanding, mass-bearing matter in the universe is shrinking?”
In general relativity, the expansion of space cannot be distinguished from the shrinking of everything else. They are equivalent. However, it proves difficult to do what you suggest. For example, if physical objects were shrinking, you’d expect the earth to become smaller and the sun to become smaller but not the distance between the earth and the sun. Somehow the distance between the earth and sun has to shrink also, so that the solar system shrinks as a whole, relative to the universe. Similarly, the galaxy must be shrinking. So your notion of “mass-bearing matter shrinking” is going to get you into trouble — very hard to make it work. And much easier to make the overall space of the universe expand.
“For example, perhaps, by emitting “space” at a constant rate?”
That particular idea unfortunately doesn’t seem likely to work. If matter were somehow emitting space, you’d expect regions with more matter to expand faster than regions with less matter.
Similarly, if matter were responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, the considerable non-uniformity of matter in today’s universe should lead to considerable non-uniformity in the universe’s acceleration… which is not observed.
Your idea to distinguish mass-bearing and mass-non-bearing objects is going to get you into trouble also. In principle I can make a giant black hole, with a huge mass, out of nothing but photons. Would this be a mass-bearing or a non-mass-bearing object? In general relativity, trying to separate objects by whether they do or do not have mass will cause inconsistencies. So to do what you suggest probably would require a new theory of gravity altogether… a tall order.
Dear Professor Strassler,
Thank you again for your time. I still want to answer this back, and I regret if I come off as road hog or a crackpot. At least I’m not a crackpot, because I don’t mind if I’m wrong—if my speculation fails, but I learn something that way, so much the funner.
However, I do want to see how far this can go, and your refutations, at least the “geometric” ones , so far have not convinced me, and I would like to clarify.
My model (intentional and evidence-derived only), does not imagine most of the expansion as being volume puffed out into the universe by matter, as I don’t believe that those things-that-are-not-expanding contribute very much to the total volume of the universe these billenia. However, as a result of the shrinkage itself, there will be more space as measured (intention and evidence) by all shrunken measuring tools, except light.
For example, imagine two galaxies of diameter d, one billion d apart. After one “eon”, each galaxy has shrunk to a diameter of d/2. However, any observer, eye, telescope, etc., has also shrunk— but the observers don’t know that. How would they? Now the distance between the galaxies seems to have grown to 2*d+d. This effect would not depend on the intervening density of matter. All directions sending light (from the same time-distance) would be affected the same way, and the observer would infer the same for blocked regions, as is done now.
As far as the increase in space between the latterly shrunken things, well, they would still fall together under the influences of the forces, especially gravity. The same puzzle and solution as we have in the accepted model. Although the particles are losing something into the universe and shrinking, that would not stop them from moving through space. (Actually, “moving through space” seems like an implication-loaded way of phrasing it that I would prefer to avoid if I could, but that’s another story).
I have ideas of how a model like this could accommodate some other possible objections. (But not all—I wonder if shrunken matter would seem to change the photoelectric effect? That would ruin it, I guess.).
The thing is, however, if expanding space and shrinking matter could be shown to be observationally equivalent, there could still be differences in how the system relates to things outside itself—such as the cause of it, for example. Wouldn’t this actually unify and solve as many or more standing puzzles and paradoxes as it creates—IF it could work?
““For example, perhaps, by emitting “space” at a constant rate?”
That particular idea unfortunately doesn’t seem likely to work. If matter were somehow emitting space, you’d expect regions with more matter to expand faster than regions with less matter.For example, perhaps, by emitting “space” at a constant rate?”
If one upholds the idea that there are in fact 2 spaces simultaneously, and ignore what matter is doing in its own space, then one could have an independently expanding space. Then matter is just doing what it is doing curving & influencing its own and unique spacetime. This affect however of a ‘separate space + time’ is not affected by that matter as it is not influenced by it. It does however create a void ( a zero time void constant ) which provides a means for the matter to exist in the first place. And maybe existed before matter did. Then it is the primary space+ time and the one we love and only have experience of is secondary to it.
I see that someone responded to this two months ago. I didn’t notice and I figured my idea was too lame for anyone to respond to it.
But since you did, and if you see this: Professor Strassler already made the point about “no more space where there is more matter”. And as I tried to
explain above, that was not my point. What I was trying to imagine, is this: If two bodies at a certain distance shrink to half their previous size, and do not fall together as a result of gravity, they will have no way to perceive that they have shrunk, as all measuring instruments will have shrunk too. But the distance between them, measured with their shrunken measuring tools, will seem to be twice as long. Light waves that left one of the bodies at the first moment, will seem twice as long when they arrive to the other body at the latter moment. Eventually, massless particles will seem to move faster relative to mass-bearing measuring rods, which will baffle observers.
Well, if you or anyone sees this, I’d still be happy to read any further reactions, but I’m just wondering what this would do to the theories, not imagining I have discovered something.
Personally I am of the same ( similar ) intuitive school. In my thinking ‘New Space’ is being created constantly. We sort of refer to it as expansion affects. But my intuition is that new space is actually being formed second for second. It may be thought of as the Primary dimension ( framework) were time is constant ( symmetrical ). If the rate of new space formation has an accidental velocity of C then matter is able to form. Plank can help realize this mechanism. Once matter has been formed then it creates its own unique relative spacetime – where STR and GTR have validity. Any matter existing such as suns and planets etc become diluted as their unique spacetime is caused to expand. However, the primary space is actually growing at every point within its framework. So 2 things are happening 1. The spacetime where matter exists is expanding and 2. New space is being constantly being created. & we exist in 2 entities of time TC and TV, constant in the Primary dimension and Variable in spacetime. I put most of these ideas into a book Absolute Relativity – theory of everything. Where AR: Ut, x, y, z. Ut being the primary dimension creating new space of isometric fixed time of value ‘0’. If however the value of C varies AR=0, as all the other Euclidean dimension simply vanish. – sorry this is so long. I like your thinking but as I see it whenever we try to make sense of the big picture centered around matter and mass etc, we cannot finish this particular chapter of understanding. Then inventing multiple x dimensions it creates a huge gap in our further comprehension as we cannot even think outside the existing 3 at the moment!
Prof MS “no more space where there is more matter”.
In my thinking where there is no matter there is no space-time, as it is created by its existence in the first place. And Primary framework or real space is co habitant with spacetime.. the Primary is being constantly formed and growing and the other is expanding into it. For as long as man has been aware of space he sees it as a single entity. But in my thinking it is two entities, and the primary one determining the value of C – which is a pure accident ( in the same way we are at a bio zone from the sun where most of the water is liquid – hence life – a serendipitous accident of location ). We have discovered the clues a hundred years ago thanks to Einstein but we cannot accept the value of time ‘0’ when at the same velocity of light. At that speed we are simply in phase with the primary time the first space entity – which is the same everywhere.
Dear Scott,
I think so its a long time gap between your question and my attempt to give a reasonable answer. I am doubting if you will ever know that I tried to answer your doubt. Well I think your approach was admirable but it contains a bit flaw within. You said that ‘mass’ is shrinking rather than ‘space’ expanding, but if you go through quantum mechanics you would come through a term- fermi pressure, which says that you cant shrink a volume by giving a external force greater than fermi pressure per unit area (due to zero-point energy). (Well for information, this happens only in BLACK-HOLE but never in our general world). So in our general world its impossible or not relevant to reason expanding universe with shrinkage of mass (as there is limit of shrinking, but not for expanding) as there is huge non-uniformity in distribution of mass in space and every mass can’t shrink itself having a gravitational force more than Fermi pressure. So its relevant enough to reason with the help of expanding universe which is beautifully explained here by Matt Sir. For more you can go through GTR.
Analogy- You can’t go below 0 kelvin temperature in our general world cause that’s a limit for us, but there’s no limit for increasing temperature.
I hope I tried to explain you.
Good luck.
In classical physics Scott maybe? Things change with more knowledge gained.The zero point is classical physics once we find the laws of limitation ( not discrediting Max Plank ) maybe a condition of <0 is possible?
I’m ten, but I love physics. I am smart and would like someone to tour me around this website. Anyone up for being a tour guide?
Hi Sophie,
Welcome! I am afraid that right now the website is a bit more advanced than it will be eventually; I just haven’t had time yet to write all the articles that you’d probably need. But please do keep an eye on what I’m posting, as I will gradually add more articles that will help young people (and beginner adults too) make their way through the site.
If you look in
there are a couple of articles that are suggested right at the beginning. Did you try reading them yet?
If you let me know what you didn’t understand, it will help me fill in gaps where I have left out important details. Eventually I hope I’ll provide better guidance for you, but writing these articles takes a lot of time and I am afraid can’t do it as fast as I am sure you would want!
Really awesome – many, many thanks for very interesting insights. Will surely try to come back sometimes and follow through twitter. Good luck in all your endeavours. Do you know Brian Cox (probably)? I guess you two got a very similar agenda – did you ever consider doing something together? Might result in some great congenial synergies…
Anyway, have a great time, X-mas and all the best for a very exciting New Year 2012.
New member. I really appreciate this site and will post some questions later. – Orlando
Thanks for an AMAZING blog!!
Indeed an amazing year for particle physics – i was just wondering though, how do the sensors in the LHC work? Where can I read more abt the machine itself?
It’s a long story, but I would start with the CERN website, and the ATLAS and CMS websites, themselves (just google them.) They do have public outreach sections. I will someday have much more on ATLAS and CMS; for the accelerator itself, you’ll have to go to CERN.
Hi, Matt Quantum field theory can explain why I sometimes get an electric shock when I touch another person?
Hi Matt,
I just discovered these pages. I’m lay person but very interested in (particle) physics and these pages are great! Thank You, and I hope you’ll continue to expand them!
Hello Matt,
This site really has my interest, it is sincerely my fondest desire that I will be inspired and motivated to learn more about how and why the world works.
Thank you.
P.S. – This site is Winning
Now what?
Hi Matt,
I am a lay person…..with a deep interest in the science. So I thank you for taking a stance in which to share and provide for such an opportunity as this. I would like you to know this is the wonderful part of discovery that I have had the opportunity to meet others like yourself with this dedication. I find this openness as part of bringing myself/public up to speed with what you scientists are doing as well as looking at the experiments you are involved in, theoretically or phenomenological wise.
Thank you.
Have just discovered your site:-)